Four Years Ago, This Blog Was Born

Four years ago today, I was facing impending unemployment and an uncertain future along with the loss of my precious career .. basically, I was losing everything I loved and had worked so hard for so I started publishing this blog. I thought writing for the public would help me get out of bed in the mornings despite all the crushing disappointments I suffered, that it would help me remain engaged with the world of science, and that it might also help me build a social network -- yet another of the many sacrifices I'd made in my single-minded pursuit of my career.

I started publishing my blog on Blogger, and after I'd been working on it for a few weeks, I added some entries to the archives that I had written earlier in my writing journal, but four years ago today was when it all began.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you, my readers, for everything you've given and done for me. Because of my blog, you have helped me pay my rent, you've sent me beautiful books and DVDs, I've found very supportive colleagues in my fellow blog writers, I've made valuable contacts in the book publishing world and some of my scientific colleagues have found me through my blog and have re-established contact. Not only that, but you, my precious readers, have sent me countless news stories, PDFs of scientific papers, gorgeous photographs (and then one of you sent me a digital camera!), you've written witty and informative comments, invited me to speak publically at the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters meeting, at the American Association for Avian Veterinarians conference, at NYU's graduate school for journalism, and at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (just to name a few speaking engagements), and paid for me to travel to a variety of wonderful places .. Morris, Minnesota; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Tucson, Arizona; Manhattan, Kansas; Houston, Texas; and soon .. London, England!

In short, everything that I have is because of my blog -- because of you. So thank you for reading and commenting, for your encouragement and for sticking with me through all the trials I've faced. If any of you are inspired to make a "blogoversary" card for me, I will happily publish it here.

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Happy blogiversary, Grrrl, and many returns of the day!

OK, I've just done a quick calculation, and it appears that if we, your readers, are to pay what your posts are worth, we still owe you 3 books, 17 David Attenborough DVD boxed sets (the poor guy can't retire now, can he?), and a round trip to Manhattan, Illinois.

Happy Blogday! I hope it was a good one and you gave yourself something special (at least something that didn't involve taking a wacky survey!).

Happy Blogday!

Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewes. Wishing many more, and happier, years for you and your blog.

By Carl Manaster (not verified) on 04 Aug 2008 #permalink

Happy blogoversary! I want to thank you for sharing such an incredible array of information, all done with so much sensitivity. Keep up the excellent work! :)


Looking forward to your future postings

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 04 Aug 2008 #permalink

Ditto to what Joseph said. You are a number one blogger in my book. Thank goodness for blogging as I get to 'meet' people like you.

If you were a US president this would be the point where we start chanting "four more years!", since you're not I'll instead chant "many, many more glorious years, and may your plumage never fade!!!"


Happy Blogiversary! Keep up the great work! I love your blog!!!

Happy Blogoversary!

Congratulations, and happy 4th! Now that you're 4 years old, it's time to learn to read!

Love ya, Grrl. Keep blogging at us for a long time!

By biosparite (not verified) on 06 Aug 2008 #permalink