Blogoversary Party in NYC

My fifth blogoversary is coming on 4 August 2009 (FIVE YEARS of continuous blog writing!), and I'd like to celebrate with all of you. I'd like to meet my readers and all those who write for ScienceBlogs and for Nature Networks who are in NYC for a party. We will meet this Saturday at 10am at the front door to the AMNH (I might be able to arrange tix for my readers if I know how many people will be coming), and then will go out for food and drinks at a nearby pub (precise pub to be determined and will be announced) at 6pm.

I am also planning to go to see the 6pm IMAX showing of the Harry Potter film on Tuesday, 4 August, at AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13

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This Saturday (August 1)? Darn. Patty and I will be in transit that day, landing at Newark in the afternoon. Well, we still hope to meet up with you sometime before returning to Virginia on the eighth. We are certain to come in to New York City at least twice. Maybe we can make the Harry Potter showing. We've seen it twice, but neither time at an IMAX.

you are both welcome to join us for dinner/drinks -- i expect people will come and go as they wish on saturday, anyway.

i also realized that tuesday is josh rosenau's talk for CFI at 7pm, so i need to reschedule the harry potter film for earlier or for another day, since i plan to go to his presentation that evening.

I'll be at the AMNH at 10. I won't need tickets because I'm a member of the AMNH.