buzz out loud

There was a Buzz Out Loud episode in the not-to-distant past where the discussion of youtube came up. I can't remember the exact details, but the main point was that it would be impossible for google (the owners of youtube) to review all of the videos that were submitted. And here is my calculation. How much would it cost google a year to do this? First, I need to pick some variables (and I will first do this symbolically - then you can put in your own values if it makes you happy). Submission Rate (s): This is how many minutes of video are submitted each minute (so the units would be…
Here is another one from a great podcast - Buzz Out Loud. I totally can't remember which episode it was, I listened to a several in a row mowing the lawn and doing outside type work. Anyway, the discuss was along the lines of: Could an iphone tell if your parachute didn't open with its accelerometer? The first and simplest answer would be "no". When you are skydiving, you quickly reach terminal velocity such that you are no longer accelerating. Maybe the built in GPS could use elevation data, but it seems like that is rarely used (and not very accurate). There is perhaps a way that work…
First, I think we should all be using smaller lighter cars. They get better gas mileage, they are better for the environment and maybe even reduce traffic? (ok, not sure about that last one - but it is possible). In Buzz Out Loud 918, they were discussing Toyota working on new car bodies built from sea-weed based plastics (from a wired article). One point that was brought is the comparison between old plastic bodies (the pontiac fiero comes to my mind) and these new plastics that should be much stronger. Well, here is the problem. Light strong bodied cars can be dangerous. Really? Yes…
Buzz Out Loud is one of my favorite tech podcasts. Unfortunately, I am a little behind in the episodes. However, in the episode 900 there was an email from a listener regarding LHC and black holes. The emailer claims that a massive black hole would mess up Earth's orbit. This is not quite true. I was getting ready to make a lengthy post about how black holes work, but did a way more awesomer job than I could do. Stefan and Bee describe some very important points: First, black holes created in the Large Hadron Collider are based on a theory that has not really been verified. So, it might…