
Cat Power is pretty cool.  Like href="">What Would the Community Think. Music such as this has a href="">long tail.  It is the nature of cat power.
I'm going to be liveblogging the elections here starting at 7pm. I'll be doing my best to track the results as they come in, and what they mean. Feel free to come join in.
Once again, please don't forget about our DonorsChoose drive! Please click in the panel to you left, and go make a donation to help schools get the supplies they need to be able to teach math! Most people must have heard by now that about a week ago, T-mobile released the first Android based phone, with software by Google. I've been using an Android as a tester for about 6 weeks, and I'm now allowed to talk about it, so I thought I'd post a review from the viewpoint of an extreme geek. Please excuse the low quality of the images; I took the pictures using my iPhone. Obviously, there's a…
This Saturday, my NCSE colleague Peter Hess and I will be speaking with the skeptics in Seattle, talking about "'The best preventive of the evils now most dreaded': Defending evolution in a religious society." We will speak about the threat creationist attacks on evolution education pose to our society, and about the ways in which religion can aid in the defense of science education. The talk will be at The Crystal Creek Cafe in Bothell, WA. For more information, check out the Society for Sensible Expectations website. Then on Monday, I'll be talking about "Creationist Attacks on Science…
This is one of those things that take a minute to figure out if it is serious, or a parody.   href="">Block African witchcraft curses against McCain and Palin NOW! Jim Bramlett Sep 28 2008 04:12PM Dear friends: THIS IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS. Minutes ago I spoke with friend Dr. Norman G. Marvin, M.D. and he is so concerned at what he has learned about Barack Obama's family in Kenya that he is calling a special prayer meeting in his home to pray…
This one is illustrated.  The photos speak for themselves.   Source It'll work about as well as the Paulson-Bernanke plan.  
href="">Paul Krugman href="">was awarded the href="">Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.   “It’s been an extremely weird day, but weird in a positive way,” Mr. Krugman said in an interview on his way to a Washington meeting for the Group of Thirty, an international body from the…
But not just any automobile.  It's the Maserati limited-edition 2009 GranTurismo S.  And the test confirms the result href="">only for women: Experts found that 100% of female participants showed a "significant increase in testosterone secretion" while listening to a Maserati engine revving - in fact, measurably more so than for any other sports-car sound. Unfortunately, there is no link to the study methodology.  It is hard to imagine any Institutional Review Board granting approval…
This Friday at 9, you have two thinks you can do. First, the first Presidential Debate. Unless John McCain chickens out gets lost in the Senate office he hasn't seen in over 100 days is so befuddled that he forgets whether Mississippi rejoined the Union decides that he can't both run for office and successfully govern. The debate begins at 8 Mississippi time (roughly a century behind the rest of the country), and will end when the viewers' eyes are bleeding, roughly two hours later. At which point, you can head over and get hammered by with Sciencebloggers. I'll be joining Janet, Razib…
The keyboardist for Pink Floyd passed away today. He was 65, and had been through a long battle with cancer. He wrote several of the band's famous songs, including Great Gig In The Sky and Us And Them, both from Dark Side Of The Moon. Hopes for a reunion of Pink Floyd were technically shattered several years ago, when Syd Barrett, the original vocalist, died. But he left the group before its greatest successes, and there were always hopes that the estrangement between principal songwriter Roger Waters and the remaining bandmates could be resolved. Waters performed with guitarist David…
I found a fun meme via Rev. BigDumbChimp, involving food. I'm a sucker for anything involving eating. Venison: Nope. Nettle tea: yes. Didn't like it. Huevos rancheros: Yes, yummy. Steak tartare: nope. Crocodile: Yup. Mediocre. Not a bad flavor, but it had a nasty texture. Black pudding: Gads, no. Cheese fondue: Yup. Carp: Yup. Borscht: I'm an Ashkenazi Jew, of course I've had borscht. Out of a jar, it's absolutely, mind-bogglingly horrible. Cooked fresh, it's at best mediocre. Baba ghanoush: Yum! Calamari: Tried it once. Turned out that I'm violently allergic to it…
Two Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica), photographed at the Philadelphia zoo. They are brothers, two of three males born there last year.
Saturday at 2 PM, Scienceblogs and New York City Skeptics are organizing a meetup for Scienceblogs readers. Anyone in the area and interested in hanging out with a bunch of cool folks should head on down to Social, 795 8th Ave (betwixt 48th and 49th St.) sometime between 2 and 4. It promises to be good fun.
I have never understood Maureen Dowd, neither why people read her, why she has a regular spot on the Times op-ed page, nor why she writes what she does. At last, The Editors explain it. And the explanation involves furries.
Two stories came up next to each other in my RSS reader. First, Jessica's makeover, in which a caller discusses Jesse Helms and his crossdressing ways. Second, Jessica King joins the Luxurious Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. Coincidence?
It is impossible to know if this is serious, or satire.
137,252 People
There are 951 unread items in my RSS reader's Science section. There are a whopping 10992 unread articles over all. They will not all get read.
Hey gang, the Sb crew is arranging a gathering of our readership in New York, probably on the afternoon of August 3 9 (a Saturday). If any of you might be interested in such a thing, email or leave a comment, so we can plan for the size of the crowd, and maybe convince Seed to have something special for folks who attend.