
This Friday at 9, you have two thinks you can do. First, the first Presidential Debate. Unless John McCain chickens out gets lost in the Senate office he hasn't seen in over 100 days is so befuddled that he forgets whether Mississippi rejoined the Union decides that he can't both run for office and successfully govern. The debate begins at 8 Mississippi time (roughly a century behind the rest of the country), and will end when the viewers' eyes are bleeding, roughly two hours later.

At which point, you can head over and get hammered by with Sciencebloggers. I'll be joining Janet, Razib, Craig, and the Bleimen at Tonic, a bar owned and operated by the Bleiman brothers, and we'll be celebrating…


Yes, the Scienceblogs mothership has asked us to honor you readers and commenters, and in particular, the author of the ONE MILLIONTH COMMENT! So show up on Friday at 9 pm at Tonic, 2360 Polk St, San Francisco, and get drunk with bloggers.


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If you make your way to this blog by way of the ScienceBlogs homepage, you may have noticed the "Comments" ticker clicking ever closer to 1,000,000. Our benevolent overlords at Seed Media Group have decided that crossing the millionth comment mark is cause for celebration, and they would like to…
Just a quick reminder that the San Francisco party to celebrate one million comments on ScienceBlogs is tomorrow, Friday, September 26, starting at 9:00 PM at Tonic, 2360 Polk Street (at the corner of Union). I'll be there, as will the brothers Bleiman, Craig McClain, Josh Rosenau, and Razib. If…
Have you wanted to meet me in person? Probably not! I really can't blame you. What about the doofuses who run Zooillogix? Yeah, neither do I. Ahh, but do you want to drink Manhatten's, G&T's, and Martini's at trendy bar in San Francisco with like-minded scientific groupies. Well then...…
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