Clock Quotes

Space. The continual becoming: invisible fountain from which all rhythms flow and to which they must pass. Beyond time or infinity. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Inflation is bringing us true democracy. For the first time in history, luxuries and necessities are selling at the same price. - Robert Orben
I live a day at a time. Each day I look for a kernel of excitement. In the morning I say: What is my exciting thing for today? Then, I do the day. Don't ask me about tomorrow. - Barbara Charline Jordan
Time, when it is left to itself and no definite demands are made on it, cannot be trusted to move at any recognized pace. Usually, it loiters; but just when one has come to count on its slowness, it may suddenly break into a wild, irrational gallop. - Edith Wharton, 1862 - 1937
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Robert Darwin, 1809 - 1882
You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876 - 1958
You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it. - Charles Buxton, 1823 - 1871
What is a thousand years? Time is short for one who thinks, endless for one who yearns. - Alain (Ãmile-Auguste Chartier), 1868 - 1951
Was there a weight attached to the wheel of time, hanging from the month of May? Time went so slowly the rest of the year, as though it shoved a weight before it. In April, the wheel was in balance and didn't want to go further. It tipped back to winter or could give a hint of summer. But when May came, the weight began to pull and it was difficult to hang on. And before you knew it, it was summer. - Kari Boge
It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens. - Woody Allen
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. - Douglas Noel Adams
It is quite hard at times to distinguish a genius from a lunatic. - Dorothy Thompson
Is freedom anything else than the power of living as we choose? Nothing else. Tell me then, you men, do you wish to live in error? We do not. No one who lives in error is free. Do you wish to live in fear? Do you wish to live in sorrow? Do you wish to live in tension? By no means. No one who is in a state of fear or sorrow or tension is free, but whoever is delivered from sorrows or fears or anxieties, he is at the same time also delivered from servitude. - Epictetus
What can be done at any time is never done at all. - English Proverb
Procrastination is the thief of time. - Edward Young
Youth is the season of tragedy and despair. Youth is the time when one's whole life is entangled in a web of identity, in a perpetual maze of seeking and of finding, of passion and of disillusion, of vague longings and of nameless griefs, of pity that is a blade in the heart, and of "all the little emptiness of love." - Ellen Glasgow
You have to recognize when the right place and the right time fuse and take advantage of that opportunity. There are plenty of opportunities out there. You can't sit back and wait. - Ellen Metcalf
It ever has been since time began, And ever will be, till time lose breath, That love is a mood - no more - to a man, And love to a woman is life or death. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to keep. - Elizabeth II
You may search my time-worn face, You'll find a merry eye that twinkles. I am NOT an old lady, just a little girl with wrinkles. - Edythe E. Bregnard