david Attenborough

tags: plants, giant water lilies of the Amazon, David Attenborough, streaming video This video is a portion of the David Attenborough program about the lives of the giant water lilies of the Amazon region. It has some astonishing footage of the plants, its flowers and the habitat these plants provide. [4:27].
An older video that just made its way onto YouTube of the critters that make their homes around hydrothermal vents.
tags: Life in Cold Blood, amphibians, reptiles, David Attenborough, book review When asked why there are so few books about amphibians and reptiles -- collectively referred to as "herps" -- published for the general public, David Attenborough responds by pointing out that "reptiles and amphibians are sometimes thought of as slow, dim-witted and primitive. In fact they can be lethally fast, spectacularly beautiful, surprisingly affectionate and extremely sophisticated." Even though this is true for many herps, it takes a lot of dedication and skill to show those less-known qualities to a…
tags: Sir David Attenborough, Attenborough in Paradise, DVD review, BBC programming, nature filming, filmography I've always enjoyed David Attenborough's nature programs and films when I've managed to see them on TV and now, thanks to several of my readers, I've been able to view nearly everything that Attenborough has available on DVD. But after watching the wonderful collection of films included in Attenborough in Paradise and Other Personal Adventures (BBC Worldwide; 2007), I have been transformed from a pleased watcher into an unabashed and enthusiastic admirer. Attenborough in Paradise…