
The big new of the day in the OpenSource world is that FreeDOS's web site, revised and updated, is out of Beta and fully up and running, here. If you click through you'll find an update on a number of recent changes and updates to the operating system. Just in case you need to know how to figure out what day of the week it is using only bash scripting (including some awk) click here. Apparently Windows users have something Linux users don't. But there's a fix, so it no longer matters: It is done. Almost. As predicted here on this blog but denied by many, it is probably true that with…
Switched back to Firefox from Chrome. I've been using it for the past 2 days and there isn't a discernible difference in speed. I got tired of some of Chrome's minor bugs which emerge in AJAX driven websites which haven't been test-driven on that particular browser, so I thought I would see if version 3.5.2 had closed the speed-gap. Seems like it has. At least with only a few extensions.
For Mozilla and Google, Group Hugs Get Tricky. To some extent it seems that the story is going to be relevant in a few years when Chrome will presumably be more of a full-featured browser. Right now it seems a non-issue since Chrome's penetration is rather low. But this part was pretty weird: "Mozilla performed a really good service, but you have to wonder what their relevance is going to be going forward," says Matt Rosoff, an analyst at Directions on Microsoft, an independent firm that tracks the company. "They keep Microsoft honest. But if Google is pushing innovation in its own browser,…