historic eruption

Ecuador's Geophysical Institute is reporting that Reventador is currently erupting ash. Apparently, there is no threat to nearby Quito or any pipelines near the volcano. The volcano last erupted in 2007 (although the article incorrectly reports 2002) with small VEI 2 explosions and lava flows. The last major eruption was in 2002, a VEI 4 that spread ash over Quito and caused a number of fatalities. The 2002 eruption was an impressive one (see picture above), producing numerous lahars and a 17-km tall (~55,000 feet) ash column. This also makes two currently erupting volcanoes in Ecuador with…
There haven't been any major developments volcano-wise over the weekend, just a few updates on some current rumblings:   Soufriere Hills (Montserrat) coughed up more ash, producing ash columns to "thousands of feet" according to reports from the MVO. The eruptions/explosions were centered at the lava dome on the summit of the volcano, Seismicity has also increased, suggesting that a larger eruption might be in the works. Chaiten continues to worry Chilean geologists. Although the eruption seems to have reduced in intensity over the weekend, the fear of a blockage that could lead to a…
ONEMI, the Emergency Office of Chile, is expressing concerns that Chaiten might be readying an even bigger blast than what we've seen already in the past few months. In particular, ONEMI direction Carmen Fernández is concerned that the volcano might have a major explosion with accompanying ash fall and pyroclastic flows. They are pointing to the increased seismicity at depth under Chaiten as potential evidence that the conduit to the surface is partially blocked, and thus building pressure for a large explosion - think Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory if you want a…
I am beginning to feel like a broken record, but the latest reports from Chile indicate that the ongoing eruption at Chaiten is ramping back up again, almost 3 months after the initial eruption began. As usual, the nitty-gritty details are limited, but reports of increased ash emissions and seismic activity are heralding this increase in activity. For certain, Chaiten is one of the most important eruptions in any of our lifetimes. This is really not because of the amount of material that has been erupted (although when all is said and done, it will be a significant volume), but rather for…
It is always fun to try to comprehend the sorts of numbers that geological processes produce. I mean, how much is 125 million cubic yard exactly? Well, the Cascades Volcano Observatory puts it this way: "From October 2004 to late January 2008, about 125 million cubic yards of lava had erupted onto the crater floor to form a new dome-enough to pave seven highway lanes three feet thick from New York City to Portland, Oregon. A comparable volume had flowed out to form the 1980s lava dome. All lava erupted since 1980 has refilled about 7% of the crater, which was created by the catastrophic…
It has been a while since we've seen a Chaiten update, but today there is a report that LanChile has had to cancel flights to Puerto Montt due to ash from the volcano. Chaiten has been erupting since early May, so now we're almost 2 1/2 months into the eruption - quite a feat for such a large eruption! The report also mentions that some residents of the town of Chaiten have been able to visit their homes to collect belonging and the government might just try to rebuild the town in an entirely new location. The USGS plans to send geologists to the volcano later in 2008 or early 2009 to survey…
Just a brief note that the USGS has officially pronounced the eruption that started in 2004 at Mt. Saint Helens over. They lowered the alert level to "normal" after months with little to no signs of activity. The new dome that grew in the crater formed by the 1980 eruption is 125 million cubic yards of new material as the volcano continues to rebuild. Here is the official USGS Press Release. Edited 7/10/08 to add the USGS Press Release.
  Kilauea is busy keeping geologists and tourists alike wondering what the volcano will be doing next. The current report on the volcano tells of a new fire fountain at the Thanksgiving Eve Break-out "rootless cone", about 6 miles from the ocean. The fire fountain started on Sunday night, issuing lava up to 40 feet in the air and the USGS has posted an amazing video of the fountaining on the HVO website. However, unlike the predicted behavior where magma at Kilauea starts near the summit and moves into the rifts, these lavas appear to be unrelated to the activity going on at the summit of…
There are some astounding new pictures of Chaiten in full eruption over at the Smithsonian Website. There pictures were released by the USGS/VDAP team and show a full eruption column coming from the new dome in the Chaiten caldera (see above and below). The dome itself looks giant, filling up a lot of the old caldera (the highlands around the edge of the dome itself). The eruption is almost the antithesis of the 2004-08 Mt. Saint Helens dome eruptions which has produced a minute dome filling the 1980 crater. This rhyolite dome is the first major rhyolite eruption in almost 100 years, so I…
I found this picture on the SF Chronicle website and it speaks volumes about the destruction wreaked on Chaiten, Chile. The ash has buried the town and what the ash hasn't damaged, the water and debris from the swelled river in the background have finished off. This is what volcanoes can do in the blink of an eye (geologically speaking).
If Alaska wants to take a cue from Iceland, it might find itself with more power than it can use. That is, if the dreams of the Alaska Division of Oil and Gas come true. They are planning to lease land on Mt. Spurr and possibly Mt. Augustine for geothermal exploration. Both of these volcanoes are active, with Mt. Spurr erupting last in 1992 (famously almost taking out a KLM 747 due to volcanic ash EDIT: Oops, this was not Spurr in 1992, but Redoubt in 1989. Luckily, AVO knew to warn aviation about the Spurr eruption thanks to the lessons learned from the near disaster at Redoubt) and…
Just when you thought it was safe to go outside. After apparently settling down a bit over the weekend, Chaiten has kicked it back up a notch. The latest reports say that two ash columns are active ... and that is about all we get for more news. Not surprisingly, most of the damage around the volcano has been done by flooding and/or lahars, thanks to the ash and debris-choked rivers like Rio Blanco. It also sounds like the SERNAGEOMIN is digging in for the long-haul, calling for the eruption to go on - to some degree - for months. This isn't too shocking considering the minor dome eruption…
The newest reports out of Chile are indicating that the eruption at Chaiten has reached levels of intensity not seen since the eruption first started over six weeks ago. I have to admit, that isn't a good sign in terms of keeping the volcanic edifice in one piece. There have been frequent, small (<M3) earthquakes along with "rumbling noises," which might indicates that the domes are collapsing to form pyroclastic flows. Alternately (and need I remind you, very speculatively) it might be the the edifice itself beginning to show the wear of this long eruption and the emptying of the magma…
So, this was a bit of a surprise to me. Six weeks into the Chaiten eruption in Chile, apparently the volcano has picked up the tempo again. Not much in the report except that apparently two new vents/craters have opened, there is an increase in ash emission and seismic activity. What this might be is difficult to ascertain from the report, but it could indicate that the volcano might be heading down the road toward a collapse, such as the one previously alluded to by scientist-in-charge Luis Lara. Another report - albeit almost identical to the first - does mention in the headline that the…
Authorities in New Zealand have issued an alert for White Island. After a fairly sizable earthquake (M=5.4) near the island, the state agency that oversees volcanoes (GNS Science) is warning people to stay away from White Island for the next 48-72 hours on fears it might erupt. Normally, just because there is an earthquake near a volcano you don't instantly jump to the idea that it will erupt, but the 5.4 and subsequent earthquakes have been both near White Island and shallow (5-km depth), indicating it could very well be related to magma moving under the system.  White Island itself is a…
One of the most famous eruptions in human history (at least recent history) is the 1883 eruption of Krakatau in Indonesia, made (more) famous by Simon Winchester's book (and the inappropriately named film Krakatoa: East of Java ... hint: look at a map). Since the cataclysm eruption, a new volcano has risen where the old one once stood. Anak Krakatau (I believe loosely translates to "son of Krakatau") is a fairly active volcano, producing Strombolian explosive eruptions - fairly mild - that threw volcanic bombs and debris onto the island and into the surrounding ocean (thus, building up the…
I mention this little human interest piece mostly because I am especially found of Mt. Tarawera (note: this link goes to the GVP page for Okataina, the volcanic cluster of which Tarawera is a member) in New Zealand. This Tuesday (June 10) is the 122nd anniversary of its most recent eruption, the 1886 eruption that erupted the Rotomahana Basalt. The eruption itself was relatively unique as it was a basaltic eruption that was almost entirely dominated by explosive eruptions of basaltic tephra (see illustration above). This likely means that the basalt was highly enriched in volatiles gases…
Reuters has a short video showing some of the damage inflicted on Chaiten by the volcano of the same name. Looks like the ash, lahars and flooding have wiped out at least a third of the town (according to the voice-over) ... and in a sense, Chaiten (the town) lucked out as the destruction could have been a lot worse.
If you needed any evidence that Chaiten is still erupting quite vigorously, just check out the MODIS image taken on 5/31 (above). The eruptive column is still delivering ash across southern Chile, over the Andes and into Argentina. This eruption just keeps on impressing me with its duration and magnitude - this is one for the ages (well, human ages).
I've been trying to find information to post this week, but not much out their in the press this week. I did like this article on the close relationship between Salvadoran coffee growers and Santa Ana/Ilamatepec Volcano. After being pressed into an emergency lecture yesterday here about the interactions between humans and volcanoes, this is case in point that a mere 3 years after an eruption helped wipe out their crops, coffee growers are back to planting near Santa Ana's crater. It is hard not to when the soils near the volcano are so fertile. You can see in the picture (above) how lush the…