
tags: cartoon, easter, humor I know this cartoon is as old as I am so you've all seen it a hundred times already, but it never fails to make me laugh, so I am sharing it with you anyway.
tags: Snowball, dancing cockatoo, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from a longer DVD, Snowball's Snowy Christmas DVD, which is now available for Christmas gift giving. Children love Snowball and this DVD features the sulfur-crested cockatoo, Snowball, dancing to Christmas carols.
tags: peer-reviewed paper, psychology, gift wrapping, wrapping paper, behavior, holidays, holidaze Besides bright lights, my favorite thing about the holidays is wrapping gifts. I love covering a boxed gift with colored papers (or even with plain brown paper bags), I get tremendous satisfaction from folding the paper so it makes precise corners and then I especially enjoy decorating the wrapped gift with bows, ribbons and toy flowers and birds, christmas ornaments or other decorations. I also enjoy figuring out how to wrap unusually shaped objects. However, my most favorite thing to do is…
tags: safety tips, holidays, christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa, new year's day, pets, birds, parrots Elektra. My pet Female Solomon Islands Eclectus parrot, Eclectus roratus solomonensis, April 2008. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. This message was emailed to me, and I am posting it here as a public service. With the Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and the New Year's holidays upon us, we are all busy planning our family gatherings, gift giving and decorations. The season brings with it unique hazards that we all need to be mindful of so that we can ensure that our feathered family…
Today is Labor Day in the United States. This holiday is designed to honor those of us who are lucky enough to have employment -- you know, a job that actually pays a living wage. Today, we honor work by ... not working. Most people in America view Labor Day weekend as the last weekend of summer, so those of us who can afford it usually indulge in a mini-vacation intended for rest, relaxation and partying. To help us along in this endeavor are many clothing store discount sales, new movie releases, college football games (often the first official game of the season), parades and fireworks…
tags: easter bunny, easter bunny is dead, holidaze, holidays Image: Orphaned [larger view]. On the way to the subway today, I photographed this tragic accident. This must be the reason I didn't get any Easter candy this year! I am bummed!
tags: Jesus Christ, The Life of Brian, easter, humor, satire, religion, holidays, holidaze, streaming video This streaming video is from the British series Not the nine o'clock news. It comments on the controversy created by the Biblical story about Jesus Christ and how it is really a cheap rip-off of Monty Python's popular film, The Life of Brian [3:24]
tags: California Raisins, holidays, funny, humor, parody, streaming video Are you in the Holiday Spirit yet? No? Well watch this silly video and maybe this will help you get there ... [2:54]
tags: animal christmas, funny, humor, parody, streaming video This hilarious little video is filled with lots of animals who are wishing you a happy christmas! How can you not watch this? [1:20]
Santa in the Stacks. Image: GrrlScientist, 8 December 2008 [larger view]. I was sitting in one of the public libraries in NYC when all of a sudden, a celebrity walked in: Santa Claus! He gathered together some reading materials and sat at a table near me for at least an hour. Even though I tried to be discreet, I think he noticed me snapping pictures of him. Okay, so I have a question for you: what was Santa reading? Obviously, it's not an Atlas (although you'd think that Santa needs to brush up on his geography so he doesn't get lost on Christmas Eve) but after that, I cannot tell you…
tags: safety tips, holidays, christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa, new year's day, pets, birds, parrots Elektra. Female Solomon Islands Eclectus parrot, Eclectus roratus solomonensis, April 2008. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. This message was emailed to me, and I am posting it here as a public service. With the Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and the New Year's holidays upon us, we are all busy planning our family gatherings, gift giving and decorations. The season brings with it unique hazards that we all need to be mindful of so that we can ensure that our feathered family members are…
tags: peer-reviewed paper, psychology, gift wrapping, wrapping paper, behavior, holidays, holidaze Besides bright lights, my favorite thing about the holidays is wrapping gifts. I love covering a boxed gift with colored papers (or even with plain brown paper bags), I get tremendous satisfaction from folding the paper so it makes precise corners and then I especially enjoy decorating the wrapped gift with bows, ribbons and toy flowers and birds, christmas ornaments or other decorations. I also enjoy figuring out how to wrap unusually shaped objects. However, my most favorite thing to do is…
Offensive Christmas Ornament created by Seattle artist, Deborah Lawrence. Image: Deborah Lawrence. Seattle artist, Deborah Lawrence, was one of 370 artists who were given the honor of creating a Christmas ornament for the White House's official Christmas trees. This was after Laura Bush invited all 435 Congresscritters to choose artists from their congressional district to design ornaments for the White House Christmas trees. Unfortunately, Lawrence's 9-inch ball was the only one that was banned from the White House trees, even though it fulfilled all the requirements set out by the…
tags: Snowball, dancing cockatoo, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from a longer DVD, Snowball's Snowy Christmas DVD, which is now available for Christmas gift giving. Children love Snowball and this DVD features the sulfur-crested cockatoo, Snowball, dancing to Christmas carols.
I know that the holidays were originally celebrated by non-religious folk -- more commonly known as "godless heathens" by the religious wingnuts of all persuations in the crowd -- but our holidays were savagely stolen, repackaged and sold as religious consumer events devoted to orgiastic spending, so I'd like let you know that you are not stuck sending out schmaltzy religious holiday cards any longer. Now you can reclaim our holidays for what they were: time for celebrating the solstice and spending peaceful time with our loved ones, instead of spending money we don't have on trinkets that…
This amusing essay is making the rounds on the intertubes (as usual) this year, so I had to share it with you. Ingredients: Turkey Stuffing Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes with Gravy Green Beans Cranberry Sauce Hot rolls and Butter Relish tray Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Hot Coffee Instructions: Get up early in the morning and have a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long day, so place your parrot on a perch nearby to keep you company while you prepare the meal. Remove parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch. Prepare stuffing, and remove parrot from edge of stuffing bowl and…
tags: Thanksgiving holiday, Snoopy, Chales M Schulz, humor, comedy, streaming video If you are like me, you do not have a television, so you are missing all the special holiday programming. This sweet video is a late one created by the late, great Charles M. Schulz about celebrating Thanksgiving on a ping-pong table. Of course, it includes really fine jazz as background music -- does anyone know who wrote and performed the background music and how I can get it? [20:18]. If that video was deleted by YouTube, this one probably survived, because it is a condensed version [4:55];
tags: Microwave vs. Easter, streaming video Easter has a special place in my heart because of those disgustingly wonderful confectionary creatures: PEEPS! [2:18]
tags: beer bottles, christmas tree, humor, holidaze, holidays, streaming video This is an amusing idea for how to recycle all those empty beer bottles that you have laying around your dorm room, now that the holidays are ending [1:40]
tags: researchblogging.org, psychology, gift wrapping, wrapping paper, behavior, holidays, holidaze Besides bright lights, my favorite thing about the holidays is wrapping gifts. I love covering a boxed gift with colored papers (or even with plain brown paper bags), I get tremendous satisfaction from folding the paper so it makes precise corners and then I especially enjoy decorating the wrapped gift with bows, ribbons and toy flowers and birds, christmas ornaments or other decorations. I also enjoy figuring out how to wrap unusually shaped objects. However, my most favorite thing to do…