What Are You Doing Today?

Today is Labor Day in the United States. This holiday is designed to honor those of us who are lucky enough to have employment -- you know, a job that actually pays a living wage. Today, we honor work by ... not working.

Most people in America view Labor Day weekend as the last weekend of summer, so those of us who can afford it usually indulge in a mini-vacation intended for rest, relaxation and partying. To help us along in this endeavor are many clothing store discount sales, new movie releases, college football games (often the first official game of the season), parades and fireworks shows, and adding to our sense of finality, tomorrow is typically the first day of school in many school districts throughout the country. In view of this plethora of events, activities and entertainments available, what you are doing this weekend?

My activities include;

  1. correcting page proofs for my Science piece that will hopefully be published this week
  2. writing my application for CITES permits to export my parrots from the USA to Germany (which means that I have to overcome my intimidation regarding this very complicated process)
  3. writing several photoessays for publication on my blog
  4. begin identifying personal items that I will not bring to Germany and arrange to sell or give them away
  5. identify a moving company that can move my possessions to Germany -- so far, I've not found anyone. But I've not been very diligent about finding anyone, either
  6. figure out where I need to go to get the necessary vaccinations before departing for a birding trip to Manu, Peru as official blogger at the end of next month (25 October - 1 November, and yes, you all are strongly encouraged to come along!)
  7. create my personal 'Birds of Peru' study outline for the next few months
  8. laundry (ho-hum)

Maybe I'll also have a beer? On the other hand, probably not: I hate drinking alone, and I never drink in my apartment.

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begin identifying personal items that I will not bring to Germany and arrange to sell or give them away

Just make sure none of your parrots are on that list.

Justina had her first day at school but at 4 I don't think that counts as working.

By Bob's Big Brother (not verified) on 07 Sep 2009 #permalink

I went birding this morning, and I saw some birds (not a lot) and lots of insects. This afternoon and evening I'll be reading blogs, writing a post for tomorrow, and editing photos.

The Mrs and I went out for breakfast (appreciating the people who were working on this holiday without union representation) and then I wrote a long blog post about unions. And it's a nice day, so I'm goin' out riding my unicycle. MrsDoF will be teaching a kid at church how to crochet on a circular loom.

Leftovers for dinner.

Congratulations on the upcoming Peru birding trip and Science piece! How exciting! What is the Science piece about?

Today I have painted my office a nice corporate khaki color, and am working on a blog post for my wildlife rehab organization.

So I have missed all of the excitement I guess. You are an enigma, but it sounds as though your life is coming together in "one fell swoop" at last to coin some bird imagery.

I went birding in Alley Pond Park. I recorded the numbers of heron and egrets and their feeding behavior. Its volunteer work for the NYC chapter of the Audubon Society.

BBB: ah, school. i miss school. if i could afford it, i'd go back to school right now and get another degree .. this time, i'd get a useful degree, like medicine or engineering or hell, creative writing.

george: unicycle?? *blinks*

gini: the science piece is not a data paper, alas. it's a book review. but it's a book review that the editor asked me to write, instead of me pitching a dozen or two ideas to the editors ..

long time, no see, tabor! what did you do on this holiday weekend?

Oooohh Manu National Park? I'm VERY envious! I know the purpose is birds (and they do have pretty scarlet macaws down there, correct? And pretty mot-mots? As well as a ton of other pretty birds, Is'm sure...), but keep your eyes/ears/camera open for spider monkeys!!!!!

My dream is still to make it down to South America, but I haven't been yet... it will happen... someday...

Actually I spent it blogging and weeding. My husband was stuck in Kauai with a cancelled flight for the second day in a row and my children were busy with their lives.

michelle: i am a dedicated shutterbug, so you can bet that there will be plenty of birds (also known as blurds, ha!) and other animals as well as a lots of flowers and plants -- just cuz those don't move as fast as blurds do.

tabor: wow, why the canceled flight? and how does your garden grow? i've not seen any photographs recently, although i might have missed them. i do love your blog, which makes me sad that i don't read it nearly often enough. i hope that my comment here adds to your traffic and fan base, because you do deserve it.