independence day

tags: fireworks, fourth of july, independence day Image: Orphaned [larger view].
tags: politics, the declaration of independence, fourth of july, independence day, streaming video The United States was born with a single document -- the Declaration of Independence. Have you actually read it? Few people get beyond "... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." But it really is fascinating. It lays out all the justifications for separation from Great Britain. And it clearly states the founding ideals. In this video, you'll get a chance to hear the entire document read by some of Hollywood's A-list celebrities. But the words are the real stars. It's not a perfect document…
tags: 4th of July, humor, firecrackers, streaming video This is what many politically conservative, rural, beer swilling, smoking, gun toting Americans (alias "rednecks") do on the anniversary of this nation's independence: they spend their hard-earned money on diluted blobs of dynamite so they can blow up shit [3:21] Hrm, lots of noise and expense but overall, a big disappointment .. kinda reminds me of ejaculation. How was it for you? Since firecrackers (and fireworks, which contain less dynamite) are illegal in NYC, this means that all my neighbors have purchased hundreds and hundreds of…