Intelligent Design

The new creationist textbook, The Design of Life, is now available, or very shortly will be. This definitive book on intelligent design (ID) comes as a shot across the bow to dogmatic defenders of Darwinian orthodoxy. Written by two key ID theorists, mathematician William Dembski and biologist Jonathan Wells, it presents the full case for intelligent design to a general audience. Critics, in dismissing The Design of Life, contend that intelligent design has collapsed in the wake of the 2005 Dover trial. Author William Dembski responded, "Those same people have been announcing intelligent…
Save the date: November 30th. The Christain Study Center knownas the MacLaurin INstitute, of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus will sponsor this event: Darwin's Dangerous Idea: The Distubring Legacy of America's Eugenics Crusade Friday, November 30, 2007 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM FREE Email contact: A hundred years ago in 1907, Indiana passed the world's first forced sterilization law. In subsequent years, dozens of states passed similar laws, including Minnesota in 1925. These laws were part of a crusade to breed better humans known as "eugenics." Promoted by…
Here is a preliminary list of resources for people to find out more about Intelligent Design. Please feel free to put this on your own site. If you want, email me and I'll send you the HTML code to make this one step easier. But you can also, if you are using Firefox, use "ctrl-u" to display the code and cut and paste it from there. Please feel free to add to this resource for people who want to learn more about Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Intelligent Design Intelligent Design…
The Discovery Institute continues its terrorist-like tactics in the wake of a very successful airing of an anti-creationism Public Broadcasting System documentary. The DI is providing helpful information for teachers and administrators who want to cost their school districts millions in legal fees and experience deep embarrassment. School administrators: Be afraid. Some of your teachers will read it and you will not be happy at the results. This Document (PDF) is a "Briefing Packet for Educators" supplied by the Discovery Institute. It is obviously a response to information…