Intelligent Design

From FOX: After seeing a new non-fiction film starring Comedy Central's Ben Stein, you may not only be able to win his money, but also his career. Stein is that whiny little guy with the monotone voice that makes him seem funny and an unlikely "character" for TV appearances. But that career may be over come April 18, when a movie he co-wrote, narrates and appears in, called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed," is released. Directed by one Nathan Frankowski, "Expelled" is a sloppy, all-over-the-place, poorly made (and not just a little boring) "expose" of the scientific community. It's not…
Please Visit Expelled Exposed ... the National Center for Science Education's official response to the Ben Stein movie Expelled .. you will find this collection of resources helpful!!!!!!
The atheists are on the march like never before. Why? Because creation is also being discussed like never before and they are worried! This weeklong series of lectures and activities will equip you and your children with the necessary tools and information to dramatically affect this world for Christ. Here are a few of the topics covered: Planetary Cataclysm Plate tectonics modelling-- astounding new insights into Noah's Flood How textbooks mislead 'Facts' are not neutral-and neither is education The Mystery of Our Declining Genes Startling data for recent creation--in our DNA Leaving Your…
In a move that now sends the deceptively named "academic freedom" bill to the Florida Senate floor, the Senate judiciary committee voted 6-3 to approve it. It looks like some Democrats can see the potential (almost guaranteed) lawsuit pitfalls to come, but the bill marches on nonetheless. I'll have more later ... What's wrong with you people? Do we not ridicule you enough? Do you not feel stoopid enough? Are your jaws not slack enough and your chromosomes not homogeneous enough? Get out there and De-Elect these Senators! Florida Citizens for Science may have more soon. Here.
Florida Senate Bill S2692 is up for discussion and a decision to pass to the floor by the Senate Judiciary Committee. BELOW YOU WILL FIND LINKS TO EMAIL EACH MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE (except one, for whom I provide a phone number). I'd say you don't need to be a Florida resident to let them know what you think. In fact, let them know that the whole world is watching! I've got to say that this is one of the scariest bills I've seen in a while. Have a look: The Teaching of Chemical and Biological Evolution [SPCC]; Cites act as the "Evolution Academic Freedom Act." Provides public school…
Oh, no, wait, I read that wrong... .... "Creationist Book Pops Up .... In Scotland..." Remember Harun Yahya's Atlas of Creation, the lavishly illustrated Islamic creationist book that first turned up in Turkey, then France and other European countries and prompted a disapproving resolution by the Council of Europe? It's now being mailed to universities in Scotland The mysterious Istanbul writer Harun Yahya (actually Adnan Oktar) is clearly spending large amounts of money sending this unwelcome book around Europe. Where does he get it from? [source] Have you seen this book? I got my copy a…
Louisiana now has an Academic Freedom Act in the works. Academic Freedom Acts are right wing ploys to force specific issues ... or more commonly, specific politically or religiously motivated version of issues ... into the classroom at various levels. Academic Freedom Acts also typically are designed to silence faculty who teach things that conservatives, evangelicals, global warming deniers, and so on do not want to hear. From a commentary in The Daily Advertiser: Gov. Bobby Jindal's first regular-session legislative plan is designed to help Louisiana schools train a better work-force. So…
We all know Genie Scott is hot, but I never knew she was THIS hot! And isn't if funny that all those singers with British Accents don't sing (or in this case rap) in British Accents? Hat Tip: PZ Myers
PZ Myers is not pulling punches with Expelled! and the enigmatically moronic producers of said movie.
Anne Coulter sends me emails now and then (she doesn't know who I am ... don't tell her) so I get the inside anorexia, I mean, the inside skinny on some of the moves the hard right wing are making now and then. Astonishingly, very little of this is ever of any interest. But the latest tidbit is somewhat interesting. The righties are creaming in their jeans about the republication (which actually happened last year) of Sebastian Adams' "time line of history." This document from the 1870s is historically interesting because it is one of the early "time lines" and it does reflect what some…
You've probably already seen this: it is a bunch of crazy home schooling creationists demonstrating that they are utter, incurable morons. In this video, they are seen committing child abuse. Again and again and again. I stole it from Pharangula, he stole it from Sandwalk. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO APPEASE THESE PEOPLE, PEOPLE?????? Chris and Matt do.
Here is an updated set of links to postings on the critique of Myers and Dawkins' response to Myers-Dawkins-Expelled!-Gate. The point of these links is to provide quick access to the critiques coming from The Intersection and Framing Science blogs, and responses to them. I'm not going to keep updating this entry, so if you have any links please add them in the comments. If your comment gets moderated it is probably because links with comments get tossed automatically in the dungeon, sometimes. I'll be checking the dungeon now and then and freeing such links. It all started here: EXPELLED!…
Myers? Myers? .... Myers? ..... Myers? (He's not here, Ben ... Your producer threw him out.)You know about the incredibly ironic dust up, whereby Expelled! producers kicked PZ myers out of line at a pre-release showing, but failed to notice that Richard Dawkins was standing right next to him. The evidence suggests that this major bit of bad publicity for Expelled! may have led to the movie being pulled from some pre-release showings. It it too early to be sure of this, and there may be several factors other than the utter embarrassment of this incident at play here. For instance, it is…
This little video, very nicely done, should be shown in all social studies classes in America, discussed at length, and it should be on the exam. From now on. Source: Lord Privy Seals All The Way Down ... arf arf. See also: PZ Myers Expelled, Gains Sainthood Expelled! The Movie To Be Pulled From Theaters Following Myers/Dawkins-Gate Screwup
More links have been added to the ever growing sampling of commentary on the Myers-Dawkins Expelled-Gate Event. As e we move ever closer to the self destruction of the Intelligent Design Movement, I note that the Expelled Gate Even now is now competing for space in the Wikipedia Entry on Irony (but some help may be needed ... there seems to be some creationists there erasing themselves whenever the evolutionists add them in).
There once was a librarian who was an absolute horror, a bitch, a true shit of a person. Her name was Nancy. No one liked her, she liked no one else. Her employees suffered greatly, and the only people who could work with her for more than a few months were Morris and Igor (assumed names) because they were like her. One day an employee who was receiving chemotherapy once a week informed Nancy that she had to start taking chemo twice a week. Nancy fired her on the spot. That was what it was like every day working for her, but because she kept the library running very nicely, her…
From the National Center for Science Education The antievolution bills recently introduced in the Florida legislature continue to elicit opposition. The bills closely resemble a string of similar bills in Alabama -- HB 391 and SB 336 in 2004; HB 352, SB 240, and HB 716 in 2005; HB 106 and SB 45 in 2006 -- as well as a model bill that the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, the institutional home of "intelligent design" creationism, recently began to promote. Asked by the Miami Herald (March 13, 2008) whether "intelligent design" constituted "scientific information" in the…
Many more comments and posts on Expelled, the Sequel. On Richard Dawkins Net PZ Myers gets Expelled On Talk Origins. I think in the end, the movie Expelled will have less written about it than The Day They Expelled PZ. And, getchyer LOL PZ and Dawkins Pic's here! Partial Loss of Face Recognition may be Associated with the ID(C) Locus: A Case Study
As you have undoubtedly heard, a group of evolutionary biologists and evolutionary biology supporters attended a showing of the movie Expelled, in the Twin Cities, last night. This group included the very famous Richard Dawkins and the only slightly less famous PZ Myers. PZ and Richard, in fact, were together in line, along with PZ's spouse, a daughter, and a future son in law. Other evolution supporters and at least one local evolutionary-type blogger were also in line. While waiting in line and minding their own business, PZ was spotted by the Expelled! production staff, and EXPELLED…
This is unbelievable!!!! I am outraged yet not surprised. I am incensed yet entertained. I am frightened yet ever determined to cast off the yoke of oppression. And so on. You MUST GO HERE NOW and READ THIS. You will laugh, you will cry, you will punch a fist through the wall, and you will never look at a police officer, a movie theater, or a creationist in the same way again. Ever.