
You've still got time — I'm in the Ridgedale public library, and Hector Avalos is getting ready to give his talk on "How archaeology killed biblical history"…come join the crowd if you're somewhere in the Twin Cities area. You're too late now! I saw several familiar faces at the talk, and there was a huge crowd — Minnesota Atheists has to be growing, because every meeting I go to is larger than the last one. We got a good discussion of the increasingly evident failure of archaeology to back up any of the claims of the Bible. Whereas once upon a time, serious scholars argued that portions of…
I have arrived in beautiful Northfield, MN (motto: "Cows, Colleges, and Contentment." I expect a placid audience for my talk tonight). My first impression, right after passing St Olaf College, was an odd one: what is that strange chocolatey aroma I'm smelling everywhere? Shortly afterwards I came upon a gigantic Malt-O-Meal plant, and all was explained. I guess smelling like Malt-O-Meal isn't the worst thing that could happen to a college town, although there is one better: the UO campus at Eugene used to occasionally smell intensely of fresh-baked cinnamon rolls, thanks to a bakery down the…
It's another weekend of travel for me. Tonight, I'm off to St Olaf, that fine Lutheran institute of higher learning, to rail against the corruption of science by religion. I'll be speaking at 6 at the Lion's Lair, Buntrock Commons, out there in Northfield, MN (wait…"lion's lair"? Do they mean that literally?) The really exciting news, though, is that the Minnesota Atheists are hosting a talk by Hector Avalos tomorrow afternoon. This is extremely convenient for me — drive in to give a talk, stay and get to listen to another — so yes, I'll be there, too! It's just fun, fun, fun for this lovely…
I wouldn't normally just publish a press release here, but in this case, 1) it's an important issue, the Republican squashing of the SCHIP bill to reauthorize a health insurance program for poor children, 2) it's about Michele Bachmann, a truly contemptible creature of the far right wing, and 3) my son Alaric has been working with Americans Against Escalation in Iraq on turning out the opposition to Bachmann — so it's a good cause, a wretched villain, and a little family connection. The story is that Cruella deVille Michele Bachmann was one of the conservative drones who voted to let poor…
Speaking of bad teaching and schools that screw up under community pressure, it looks like we have an ugly story here in Morris. Last week, the student at the Morris Area High School were released from classes (you know, those sessions where they are supposed to learn something) to listen to some motivational speaker babbling about healthy lifestyles and abstinence, and apparently telling them that Madonna was a lesbian, among other tidbits. I've only heard third-hand about the event itself — Skatje's still in touch with friends at the high school, but she didn't actually attend herself — but…
Happy news for Stevens County: Senate Candidate Al Franken will be speaking in Morris this Thursday (Oct. 11) at 7:00 in the Science Auditorium on the UMM campus, in a talk is sponsored by the UMM College Democrats. No charge, open to the public, everyone should come. I'll be there!
Well, lookee here … an announcement in the local Morris paper. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 TOM DEROSA will be at Morris Evangelical Free Church at 6:30 p.m., to present a creationist's perspective about evolution. DeRosa's presentation is free and open to the public. I don't think I have any plans for Sunday night. Wouldn't an evening with an old pal of D. James Kennedy and the founder of the Creation Studies Institute be buckets of fun? You should listen to his testimonial. He claims to be an atheist who was teaching evolution in the public schools (he was teaching physics and chemistry, though —…
All right, homies, I hope some of you are planning to show for the big rumble at the Bell Museum tonight. I've arrived, and I'm flexing and stretching on the home turf, getting ready … in other words, I'm hanging out at the Espresso Royale stoking up on caffeine. Here's the deal: Speaking Science 2.0: New Directions in Science Communications Friday, September 28, 2007 7:30 p.m. Bell Museum Auditorium $5 Suggested Donation I just noticed the unfortunate typo up there in the announcement: they misspelled "wrong" as N-E-W. We'll hash that out this evening, I think.
It's Talk Like a Pirate Day, so let's all heave a hearrrty "Arrr" and down a ration of grog. Also, more significantly, today is the day of the Freshman Biology Major Mixer! In case any of our new biology majors at UMM didn't get the word, but do read the blog, here's the deal: party at my house, 300 College Avenue, 7pm tonight. Here's a map, but you hardly need it — we're right next door to the U. The biology faculty will be providing the refreshments, we just want you to stop by and meet us all and your fellow budding biologists. It will be fun. I doubt that I'll be up to growling like a…
It's official. The big event is on. At the end of this month, it may be the end in more ways than one: four will enter, but only two will leave. It's the Pretty Boys vs. the Godless Savages in a brutal debate at the Bell Museum. SPECIAL EVENT: Speaking Science 2.0: New Directions in Science Communication Friday, September 28, 2007 7:30 p.m. Bell Museum Auditorium $5 Suggested Donation Seed magazine writers and influential science bloggers gather to discuss new directions in science communication. This lively panel discussion will cover a range of topics, including science and culture, public…
The Minnesota Family Council is a spawn of Dobson (it's got "family" in the title, so you know it's got to be evil), and it's usually one of those organizations that lobbies to get legislative support for their hatred of women and gays. They are not nice people. If you're ever in this state and want to see some splendid examples of calcified brains, this is the group you want to track down. Anyway, they're starting a new training program: the Minnesota Worldview Leadership Project. It's the weirdest thing. Apparently, it's a seminar and discussion series that is supposed to turn you into an…
Friends for a Non-Violent World (FNVW) Presents: Leaving Iraq Now Why it's the best chance for peace & security and why September is our best chance to make it happen. Phil Steger was born in Buffalo, NY and raised in Marshall, MN. He earned a B.A. in Theology from St. John's University. Until recently, he was executive director of the Quaker organization, Friends for a Non-Violent World. He traveled three times to Iraq on peacemaking delegations before the present war and appeared widely as a commentator on the war on network TV, MPR, AM talk radio, and both the Minneapolis Star…
It's been a regular gay social whirl here at Chez Myers; we're having a party tonight, and last night, we had visitors from the Great White North, or "Ottawa" as they quaintly called it: Eamon Knight and Theo Bromine, familiar names to old hands at talk.origins. And they brought Canadian beer! I encourage all Canadians to feel free to swing south and stop by, as long as they follow suit. (It's a beer called Maudite, appropriately enough, and I just got a close look at the label: 8% alcohol! Hide the lampshades, I'm going to be dancing tonight!) Unfortunately, while they were gawking at the…
We had our very first meeting of UMM Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists tonight. About two dozen people had expressed interest before, so we expected, optimistically, about 20 people to show up. We got there a little early, and people were waiting for us … and then our 20 were there, and then more, and then more, and then more. I had to keep going up to the counter to tell them we were going to have to order a few more pizzas. Final tally: 60 students showed up. We basically took over the whole restaurant. Skatje Myers and Collin Tierney are the co-chairs, and here they are addressing…
She really hasn't changed a bit. Well, maybe a little. Skatje (since everyone asks how it's pronounced, I'll spell it out: scot-ya) is turning 17 today, and guess how she's going to celebrate? She's hosting the first ever meeting of the UMM Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists, with free pizza, free discussion, and free thought at the Morris Pizza Hut, at 7:00. She's a regular little godless debutante, I guess.
Last night was the activities fair at UMM, where student groups try to catch the attention of the new students and persuade them to sign up. It was a mob scene with hundreds of milling people, and there in the middle of it … the brand new UMM chapter of the Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists. Here are most of the current officers — the missing one was me, behind the camera. Viktor Berberi, Collin Tierney, and Skatje Myers (and Richard Dawkins playing on the computer) I was impressed. I expected they'd go over there and get maybe half a dozen to a dozen people to sign up, but instead…
Classes start this week at UMM and next week at our branch campuses in the Twin Cities, and it looks like we might get to deal with a clerical workers' strike. AFSCME Local 3800 is taking to the picket lines to protest the inadequate pay raises offered to them. We're all tightening our belts in our underfunded universities — we've had salary and hiring freezes in the few years I've been here, and we're seeing cuts to library services and teaching lab support; you could argue, I suppose, as university president Bruininks does, that we're all in this together and that everyone should compromise…
How come you people never come visit? I'm only an hour from the freeway by way of a two-lane county road, roughly equidistant from Fargo, Sioux Falls, and Minneapolis, yet somehow no one ever happens to be passing through this remote rural town … until today. Jim Moore took a little detour from his road trip from Victoria, BC to Oklahoma to pop by lovely Morris, Minnesota and say hello. Now we expect the rest of you to come on by. In case you don't know who Jim Moor is, he maintains this web page, a critique of the Aquatic Ape "Theory". This "theory" (really, it doesn't deserve the promotion…
Our Minnesota Health Commissioner, a Republican appointee who was supported by our Republican governor through a number of startlingly clueless incidents, has finally resigned. Here's a short summary of her career: This summer, Mandernach was criticized over her suppression of a state study about 35 cancer deaths related to taconite mining on Minnesota's Iron Range. In 2004, her credibility suffered when a website posting by the department suggested that abortion might have a role in breast cancer. Critics denounced those claims as junk science, and the wording was removed from the website.…
I know the summer is coming to an end when the Stevens County Fair opens. I'm going to be spending a good chunk of my afternoon and evening there tonight — I'll be holding down the Stevens Community Humane Society booth from 6-8pm, and the Stevens County DFL booth from 8:30-10:30pm. I'll have a whole free half hour in there to duck into the beer hall.