Monty Python

So busy was I writing about America's quack Dr. Mehmet Oz and, of course, the FDA hearing on regulating homeopathy that I didn't take note of a story that came out the other day examining a study looking at the association between MMR vaccination and autism. More correctly, the study examines the lack of association between MMR and autism because that's what every well-designed study that's looked for such an association has found, a lack of association, as I've blogged about more times than I can remember over the last decade. Heck, there's already been one study like this so far in 2015. Of…
"Why should people go out and pay money to see bad films when they can stay at home and see bad television for nothing?" -Samuel Goldwyn There are few experiences that we can share together -- no matter the great distances in space or time -- like a good movie. Encapsulating a great variety of aspects of the human experience in just a couple of hours, a movie can take us to places we've never been and inside the minds of people we've never known, as Janove Ottesen reminds us in his song, Black And White Movie. This weekend, I'd like to highlight for you three of my favorite fake film…
tags: Monty Python meets Darth Vader, humor, funny, silly, weird, Star Wars, Monty Python, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video Is this the ultimate in silliness and hilarity? The combination of Monty Python AND Star Wars?
Monty Python: The scientists of silliness? I'm currently working on a book (scheduled for release sometime in the 2010s) that intends to be an extension of my research in evolutionary anthropology and the history/philosophy of science. In the coming months I may be tempted to write more about it -- and could be persuaded to publish short excerpts like Brian at Laelaps has been doing with his current opus -- but I'm not quite ready for a grand unveiling. However, I'm often amazed at the kinds of science related books that are commonly published ("related" being the word to emphasize). These…
A classic:
tags: Jesus Christ, The Life of Brian, easter, humor, satire, religion, holidays, holidaze, streaming video This streaming video is from the British series Not the nine o'clock news. It comments on the controversy created by the Biblical story about Jesus Christ and how it is really a cheap rip-off of Monty Python's popular film, The Life of Brian [3:24]