Way back in the day, when I was a newbie at countering the mass of hysterical pseudoscience that is the antivaccine movement, particularly the myth that vaccines cause autism, a blogger by the 'nym of Prometheus taught me that autism and autism spectrum disorders (particularly by antivaccinationists and believers in the quackery known as "autism biomed") are conditions of developmental delay, not developmental stasis. Autistic children can and do exhibit improvement in their symptoms simply through growth and development. However, parents who subject their children to "autism biomed" quackery…
So, Pielke Jr's blog, Prometheus has a new look. Congratulations!
But just a minute...they have also changed the URL's of all the past postings, thereby breaking the links to to all things Roger in the climate debate blogosphere. And Roger at best is unconcerned, but most likely prefers it that way, judging from his answer to my question as to whether it will remain so. "Gee, I don't know."
Hmm. Why would they do that?
All the internal links have been updated, so his favorite reference sources (himself) can still be clicked, but all of the blog responses to his writings now have broken…