
(a) current distribution of Sasquatch  (b) Sasquatch distribution post-climate change For those of you dallying around about how seriously to take the threat of climate change, here's something for you.  If we don't cease our emissions of greenhouse gases pronto, Bigfoot will invade Arizona and Utah.  I'm serious.
Occasionally, I day-trip from the borders of legitimate science and into the boundless holiday that is the esoteric. I don't know exactly why I take such pleasure in pseudo-science; perhaps it is to keep my work safe from those who might portend I am out of my league with the real stuff. The lush, seemingly benign woods of the Pacific Northwest abound with myths, quasi-tragic histories, tucked-away lichen, hallucinogenic mushrooms, endangered animals, and wild men. They also set an unwitting and shadowy stage, perhaps appropriately, for one of the great dramas of the esoteric: Bigfoot.…