scholarly publishing

The standard commercial library citation tools, Web of Science (including their newish Proceedings product) and Scopus, have always been a bit iffy for computer science. That's mostly because computer science scholarship is largely conference-based rather than journal-based and those tools are tended to massively privilege the journal literature rather than conferences. Of course, these citation tools are problematic at best for judging scholarly impact in any field, using them for CS is even more so. The flaws are really amplified. A recent article in the Communications of the ACM goes…
I'm not usually a big fan of Seth Godin's guruish pronouncements, but I thought this one was a pretty good encapsulation of what it means to be a public professional or a public academic in the 21st century. In other words, Why bother having a resume? If you don't have a resume, what do you have? How about three extraordinary letters of recommendation from people the employer knows or respects? Or a sophisticated project they can see or touch? Or a reputation that precedes you? Or a blog that is so compelling and insightful that they have no choice but to follow up? And we shouldn't kid…
A while back I posted some semi-coherent ramblings inspired by the HarperCollins/Overdrive mess concerning how libraries were able to license ebook collections for their patrons. I'm not sure my ideas have changed or solidified or evolved or what, but I've certainly come to a slightly different way of articulating them. Here goes. At a certain level, libraries -- public, academic, institutional, special, whatever -- lending ebooks makes no sense at all. If a library acquires a digital copy of a book there is no good reason why every person in that library's community (school, town, city,…
Hey, it wasn't me that said that. It wasn't even another academic librarian. It was Joshua Kim in his post from today's Inside Higher Ed, 5 Reasons Librarians Are the Future of Ed Tech. It's a great post, talking from an outsider's perspective about what librarians bring to the educational process. Kim concentrates on the role that libraries and librarians can play in moving into campus educational technology roles but really, the list he gives applies to the roles that we can play all across the various functions on average campus. Especially those we play as librarians. Not as…
...Or not? Not surprisingly, one of my professional interests is the use of Twitter and other social networks/media in higher education. And not just for educational/classroom purposes but also for outreach. In other words, people who work at a college or university using Twitter in an official capacity to reach out to other people outside their organization. Of course, this applies to using Twitter to recruit students, to reach out to parents, to connect to similar external departments or organizations. It also applies to outreach within an organization. For example, we use twitter at my…
This series of four posts by William M. Briggs is pretty interesting stuff. The kind of thing where I'm torn: is it the most brilliant and perceptive thing I've ever read about higher education or is it a series of slightly early April 1st posts? Dear Internet, I really need all you people out there to help me figure this one out. Which way does it go. And by the way, you really have to read all four posts to get the complete message. The comment streams are interesting too. University Professors Teach Too Much: Part I Here is what everybody knows: the best researchers are often not the…
I have a whole pile of science-y book reviews on two of my older blogs, here and here. Both of those blogs have now been largely superseded by or merged into this one. So I'm going to be slowly moving the relevant reviews over here. I'll mostly be doing the posts one or two per weekend and I'll occasionally be merging two or more shorter reviews into one post here. This one, of Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, is from May 18, 2008. ======= It seems that at least half the time I mention this book to someone interested in the way the web is changing social patterns the…
For my own purposes I've been collecting various ebook-related posts for a while now and in particular the whole HarperCollins/library/ebook/Overdrive thing is a valuable source of lots of speculation and information. What I have below no doubt only represents a fairly small percentage of the total number of posts and articles about the issue. My attention over the last few weeks has been a bit inconsistent too say the least so I'm sure I've missed a bunch of important posts. Please let me know in the comments about ones I should include. And I encourage people not to be modest and to let…
David Weinberger of Everything Is Miscellaneous">Everything is Miscellaneous (review) fame is working on a new book. It's going to be called Too Big to Know and over the last year or two he's blogged quite a bit of the thought processes that have gone into the writing of the book. Here's a brief sort-of description of what the book's going to be about from way back in December 2009: The opening looks at the history of information overload, going back to the book Future Shock, and pointing to the coining of "sensory overload" in 1950. I look at how pathetically small was the amount of info…
As usual, a bunch of great new articles from the most recent ISTL! Five Years Later: Predicting Student Use of Journals in a New Water Resources Graduate Program by Andrea A. Wirth and Margaret Mellinger, Oregon State University Seeing the Forest of Information for the Trees of Papers: An Information Literacy Case Study in a Geography/Geology Class by Linda Blake and Tim Warner, West Virginia University Local Citation Analysis of Graduate Biology Theses: Collection Development Implications by Laura Newton Miller, Carleton University Career Motivations of the Scientist-Turned-Librarian: A…
If you're in the Greater Toronto Area next Tuesday, please drop by and see Michael talk. I'm thrilled that my library is co-sponsoring such a fantastic event! Presented by: Janusz A. Kozinski - Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering The Division of Natural Science The Steacie Science and Engineering Library Location: Paul A. Delaney Gallery, 320 Bethune College Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served courtesy of Steacie Science and Engineering Library Prof. Nielsen will describe an evolution in how scientific discoveries are made driven by…
I saw this just after I published my previous post and think it really encompasses what I'd like to say to HarperCollins and its fellow travelers. This is from The Capitalist's Paradox by Umair Haque. So here's my question: Does what you're doing have a point -- one that matters to people, society, nature, and the future? Beancounters, listen up. To paraphrase Shakespeare, I come not to praise you, but to bury you. I don't care about your "strategy," "business model," "campaign," "product," or "deliverables" (sorry). All that stuff is focused on outputs. What matters to people, in contrast,…
Over the last week or so a huge issue has sprung up in the library and publishing world, which I touch on in my eBook Users' Bill of Rights post. The publisher HarperCollins has restricting the number of checkouts an ebook version of one of their books can have before the library needs to pay for it again. The number of checkouts is 26 per year. Bobbi Newman collects a lot of relevant posts here if you're interested. There was a comment on my post by William Dix: Publishers are shooting themselves in the foot on this issue. As well as alienating a lot of the potential market with idiotic…
Way back when, I used to post fairly frequent interviews with publishers, bloggers, librarians and scientists who I thought were interesting people to hear from. Mostly I wanted to hear about what they thought about changes in the scholarly publishing environment. I've got links to a bunch of them below, mostly to the old blog. (I'll start moving the rest over here when I'm done with the book reviews.) The last significant interview I did was with Dorothea Salo, way back in October 2008. What happened? Well, I decided I wanted my next interview to be with someone involved with publishing at…
Stealth librarianship is a way of being. This particular edition of the manifesto applies to academic libraries. The principles of stealth librarianship apply to all branches of the profession, each in particular ways. Other manifestos could exist for, say, public or corporate librarians. However the core is the same: to thrive and survive in a challenging environment, we must subtly and not-so-subtly insinuate ourselves into the lives of our patrons. We must concentrate on becoming part of their world, part of their landscape. Our two core patron communities as academic librarians are…
YASBC. But this time an engineering blog community. This is a fantastic new development if you ask me, especially in a blogging environment domininated by science blogs. Time to let the engineers into the clubhouse, even if that means that we'll have to start serving massive quantities of various beverages to keep them all happy. Let them explain: This is a collection of some of the top engineering bloggers on the internet. Surprisingly, scientists seem to outnumber engineers, though we don't think that will happen for long. Some posts link directly back to the author's web page and some…
The women science bloggers conversation is getting so long and elongated, I thought it would be interesting and, I hope, useful to put all the posts in rough chronological order. By rough I mean that I haven't attempted to order the posts within each day of publication. Perhaps I'll take another pass at the list later on for that. The original list of posts is here. 2011.01.18. Woman science bloggers discuss pros and cons of online exposure 2011.01.22.Science Online 2011: Even when we want something, we need to hide it. 2011.01.22. Women science bloggers: Some thoughts (er, sorry, felt I…
A few days ago I posted some thoughts on the programming of the recent ScienceOnline 2011 conference and yesterday I posted some thoughts about the more social and fun aspects of the event. In this post I like to look forward to next year's conference and start thinking about some of the sessions I might like to organize. My very early thoughts are coalescing around undergraduate education around. I have a couple of ideas which I think might be interesting to pursue. First of all, I'm interested in collaborations around teaching undergrads about the scholarly information landscape. On…
I have a whole pile of science-y book reviews on two of my older blogs, here and here. Both of those blogs have now been largely superseded by or merged into this one. So I'm going to be slowly moving the relevant reviews over here. I'll mostly be doing the posts one or two per weekend and I'll occasionally be merging two or more shorter reviews into one post here. This one, of Balanced Libraries: Thoughts On Continuity And Change, is from June 6, 2007. ======= The library literature. I don't know about you, but those three words strike fear in my heart. When I think library literature,…
Yeah, I'm talking about you, #scio11. The conference that still has significant twitter traffic three days after it's over. I've been to conferences that don't have that kind of traffic while they're happening. In fact, that would be pretty well every other conference. Every edition of ScienceOnline seems to have a different virtual theme for me and this one seemed to somehow circle back to the blogging focus on earlier editions of the conference. Of course, the program is so diverse and the company so stimulating, that different people will follow different conference paths and perhaps…