Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, Winter 2011

As usual, a bunch of great new articles from the most recent ISTL!

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ISTL is a great resource for those of us in science and technology libraries. I'm happy to report on the tables of contents from the last two issues.Winter 2010 Evaluation of an Audience Response System in Library Orientations for Engineering Students by Denise A. Brush, Rowan University Open…
Lots of great articles in this issue! Pretty well every one is worth checking out: Percentile-Based Journal Impact Factors: A Neglected Collection Development Metric by A. Ben Wagner, University at BuffaloA Subject Librarian's Guide to Collaborating on e-Science Projects by Jeremy R. Garritano and…
As usual, a wealth of interesting articles in the latest ISTL: Faculty of 1000 and VIVO: Invisible Colleges and Team Science by John Carey, City University of New York E-book Usage among Chemists, Biochemists and Biologists: Findings of a Survey and Interviews by Yuening Zhang and Roger Beckman,…
As usual, lots of terrific articles are included in this issue. More and more, I wonder why a scitech librarian would publish their articles anywhere else, especially in a toll access journal. Old Words, New Meanings: A Study of Trends in Science Librarian Job Ads by Brenna K.H. Bychowski, Carolyn…