
If you know me, I have raved about these products for a long time, just to my friends. But I thought it was high time Paulas Choice got its own shillery post. Over the past couple of years, people in the skeptic community have mentioned wanting skepticism to branch out into 'lady topics', like encouraging skepticism with cosmetics/beauty products/etc. The thing is, that view is a day late and a dollar short. Because people into cosmetics/beauty products have already branched out into skepticism. Like, for a really long time now. Beauty bloggers are known for buying, testing, and reviewing…
Imagine a book I would write. On viruses (what else?). Now, instead of it sounding like it was written by a chimpanzee who learned English from watching 'Waynes World' and 'Waynes World 2' on a loop + 4chan, imagine it was written by an articulate, science-literate human. That is 'A Planet of Viruses', Carl Zimmers latest book. For a 'review', the only thing I need to say to this crowd is that the writing is just as fantastic as everything Carl writes, plus its on a topic that I love (and you all are probably interested in, if you read ERV). There is another bonus for the Internet-Induced-…
Lets say you are a super hero. You are in cognito at this huge fancy party the Mayor is throwing, and you get word that one of the party guests is really a mad scientist/evil genius whos about to do something really mad/evil. You can stop them, but the mad scientist/evil genius is in cognito too. How do you pick them out of the crowd? One handy physical identifier of a mad scientist/evil genius is their crazy hair*. Go on, Google Image 'mad scientist'. We have crazy hair. Its not just the antisocial aspect of it (dont touch me), but we just dont have time for this sort of thing. My last…
Here at SciBlogs, there are apparently very specific rules we have to follow for shillery. Scientists writing about their presentations and conferences, radio programs, debates, books, etc: GOOD Science 'journalists' writing about their books, appearances/signings, TV shows, movies: GOOD Mark CC writing about Google and Google products: GOOD Pepsi scientists writing about the science of products at Pepsi: BAD Well I feel left out. Ive never written a book or worked with Alan Ball or big HALLAYWOOOOD directors. No one even asked me to be in EXPELLED. So I cant shill for any of that stuff.…