streaming video

tags: religion, cults, humor, funny, silly, weird, Ali G, streaming video Ali G talks to religious wingnuts about their beliefs .. oddly, religious wingnuts don't like talking about aspects of their own religion that offend them .. if their religion and its real-life applications are so offensive, why believe all that wingnuttery in the first place?
tags: weather, humor, funny, silly, weird, Jim Kosek, meterology, streaming video forecast video for the coming Snowpocalypse in the DC/Baltimore area shows meteorologist Jim Kosek freaking out a little about the storm. Oh boy.
tags: Ode to Joy, humor, funny, silly, weird, Beaker, The Muppets, streaming video Ode to Joy, as performed by that strange little Muppet, Beaker;
tags: A Brief History of the United States of America, humor, funny,comedy, African-Americans, Black Americans, guns, KKK, Ku Klux Klan, NRA, National Rifle Association, racism, streaming video This video explains the intimate relationship between guns, freedom and racism. Yes, I know there are exceptions to this guns-freedom-racism link, but I grew up among morons like this, and I couldn't escape from their festering hatred fast enough.
tags: health, medicine, TEDMED,health care, ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, technology, internet, Jamie Heywood, TEDTalks, streaming video When Jamie Heywood's brother was diagnosed with ALS, he devoted his life to fighting the disease as well. The Heywood brothers built an ingenious website where people share and track data on their illnesses -- and they discovered that the collective data had enormous power to comfort, explain and predict. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the…
tags: Science Online 2010, Scio10, Ms Baker's Biology Class,Staten Island Academy, NYC, education, technology, internet, streaming video This is a video collage by Stacy "Ms Bakeriffic" Baker's high school biology students from Staten Island Academy in Staten Island, NY. In this video, they take part in Science Online '10 in North Carolina. They also went to the lemur farm, which makes me SO JEALOUS! I love lemurs! I am so pleased to see this video of SciO10 -- an event I wish I had attended. On one hand, I am pleased these kids got to experience this and on the other hand, I am jealous,…
tags: health, medicine, health care, diagnostics, poverty, technology, George Whitesides, TEDTalks, streaming video Traditional lab tests for disease diagnosis can be too expensive and cumbersome for regions that are most in need. George Whitesides' ingenious answer, at TEDxBoston, is a foolproof tool that can be manufactured at virtually zero cost. In his legendary career in chemistry, George Whitesides has been a pioneer in microfabrication and nanoscale self-assembly. Now, he's fabbing a diagnostic lab on a chip. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from…
tags: Kitchen Science: An Offbeat Look at Water, water, documentary, science, BBC, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video A peculiar (scientific?) look at the three phases of water and how it affects living things ...
tags: science, iPhone Apps, technology, education, dinosaurs, American Museum of Natural History, AMNH, streaming video Introducing the first official iPhone app from the American Museum of Natural History, DINOSAURS: American Museum of Natural History Collections. This app lets paleontologists of all ages explore the Museum's famous fossil halls in depth. DINOSAURS: American Museum of Natural History Collections contains more than 800 images from the Museum's archive, woven together to create a striking image of the world's most famous dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus rex. Double-tap or pinch to…
tags: Alone in the Shed, documentary, cultural observation, men, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video This video documentary captures a modern-day everyman's adventure: one man's extraordinary attempt to survive completely alone in his shed.
tags: People are Boring, social commentary, cultural observation, George Carlin, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video George Carlin was the perfect crotchety old man. In this video, he reveals that he actually likes people -- in short doses lasting roughly a minute or less. Why? George, it seems, has a low tolerance for stupid bullshit.
tags: Britain's Hardest Men, journalism, television news, cultural observation, Charlie Brooker, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video What is it about some men and violence? This video news report seeks to provide amusement and a little insight.
tags: iPad, MADTV, technology, commentary, NSFW, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video It's rude, it's disgusting, it's NOT SAFE FOR WORK! (but admit it, all of you thought this very thing when you first heard the name of Apple's newest technology, didn't you)
tags: Seven Words, shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, fart, turd, twat, television, social commentary, cultural observation, George Carlin, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video When the contractors were once again in the flat, trying unsuccessfully to fix the IKEA kitchen fiasco that has cost my spouse many thousands of euros, I said to one of them (who claimed he didn't know any English); "I'll bet I can name at least three English words that you do know: shit, fuck and damn." His speechless laughter was confirmation enough.
tags: christianity, religion, cults, mind control, social phenomenon, Harry Potter, witchcraft, beliefs, education, streaming video This video is a report on the christian wingnuts' response to Harry Potter -- it seems this is another cult of mind-control that is unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Since today is my birthday, and I am a rabid Harry Potter fan, I will spend this entire day brushing up on my spells and wand-work by watching Harry Potter DVDs. Since alcohol will also be involved, I urge you all to watch out, lest I (accidentally?) change someone into a toad.…
tags: Mormonism, religion, cults, mind control, social phenomenon, moron, offbeat, beliefs, Proposition 8, education, streaming video As a group, mormons are some of the passive-aggressive people I know. They are nice to everyone, but they are vicious and intolerant behind your back. This film trailer is one example of the double-face I've seen and experienced while growing up among mormons. This is a trailer from the documentary film, 8: The Mormon Proposition. This film investigates how the mormon cult was behind the banning of gay marriage in California. In short, mormons dumped millions…
tags: Downfall, Hitler Responds to the iPad, technology, Apple, Hitler, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video Hitler has been dreaming about the day that Apple's tablet will be announced. That day has come and he is not pleased.
tags: Child Worship, childhood, social commentary, cultural observation, George Carlin, bible, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video There are no losers in America anymore (how the fuck did I miss out on that valuable experience?)
tags: birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz This video is beautiful, so beautiful that you don't have to identify any of the birds captured on this video: you can just sit back and appreciate them. That said, I view IDing these birds as something fun to do, and a lot of my readers will agree. Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification. Andrew Zuckerman is famous for photographing his subjects on a white background. These portraits remove every distracting element and force you to focus exclusively on every minute detail of the subject. Zuckerman doesn't just…
tags: How To Report The News, journalism, television news, cultural observation, Charlie Brooker, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video This video parody brilliantly dissects the average television news report. It is not only hilarious, but it's unfortunately too true, and for this reason alone, should alert video news teams that their craft is in jeopardy because of its stunning inanity and predictability. This should be required viewing for all journalism classes.