streaming video

tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, streaming video As some of you know, I will soon be adding a four-month-old young parrot to my household. For those of you who have not heard of a hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, or who are not familiar with them, here is a video of a five-month-old parrot of that species, named Cassius. This is still a very young bird, as is obvious from the video [1:44]
tags: dancing cockatoo, streaming video Snowball is a medium sulphur crested Eleanora cockatoo and he loves to dance and sing. He loves the Back Street Boys. No one taught Snowball to dance ... he just heard this song and suddenly felt like dancing. We're all jealous because he can outdance each one of us ... nobody likes a show off! When he's really in the mood, he dances and sings. And at the end of the performance he takes a bow or two or twenty!! Enjoy the show. [1:17] Thanks EVERYONE for sending this video to me during the past few days!
tags: A Computer Love Story, streaming video Here's a silly video about electronic love that you will probably enjoy. Includes some cute music by Burt Bacharach and Randy Newman. [4:12]
tags: fighting giraffes, streaming video Below the fold is some astonishing footage of wild giraffes fighting. It gets quite vicious at times. Filmed on safari in Tanzania.
tags: dance monkey dance, streaming video An interesting streaming video with words to "Dance Monkeys Dance" by Ernest Cline. [3:53]
tags: glass, scissors, streaming video Who would have thought? It's like something Homer Simpson would try. I can see how this could come in handy for some kind of art piece. [1:15]
tags: streaming video, humor, blog carnivals A new blog carnival for me is the Carnival of Funny Videos. They just published their 10 September edition for you to enjoy. If you would like to watch a bunch of humorous streaming videos, then this is the place to go!
tags: terrorism, religion, streaming video All religion has a very bloody history and the fact that people still subject themselves to this brainwashing shows that most people are mindless idiots. Don't believe me? Watch this video that will remind you about what happened on September 11th, six years ago. [5:27]
tags: NASA, STEREO spacecraft, Sun NASA just released a streaming video of the Sun, captured by the twin STEREO spacecraft. The video, in Quicktime format, features 2.5 days of the Sun, and shows it slowly rotating, with solar prominences blasting out into space. The series of images were captured by STEREO from August 16-18, 2007, and then stitched together into a single animation. The prominences that you see on the edges of the Sun were captured in extreme ultraviolet light by the Ahead spacecraft (the one leading the Earth in orbit). And if you watch right to the end, you'll see a…
tags: kittens, cats,streaming video This is a delightful streaming video of cats and kittens being .. themselves. Music is by Bjork, "It's Oh So Quiet". [3:36]
tags: kittens, cats,streaming video This video shows "box kitten" finally climbing out of her box. By the way, all kittens found a home in the photographer's neighborhood. Two of them live together with one family and the other three have a family each to themselves. They live happily ever after. [0:56]
tags: kittens, cats,streaming video A delightful streaming video of kittens playing around and in a box. Music called "Sister Jack" by Spoon. The kitten in the background wants to get back in the box soooo bad. But this kitten took over. How did that kitten get out of the box? I'll post that video in an hour. [1:38]