streaming video

tags: Phalcoboenus australis, striated caracara, flying devils, streaming video This streaming video shows young striated caracaras, Phalcoboenus australis, on the Falkland Islands as they do what they do best .. wreak havoc [2:46]
tags: kitchen science, recharge batteries, streaming video This streaming video describes a quick and easy way to recharge your dead batteries -- for free (unless you consider the expense of nearly boiling them in the process). I am not entirely convinced that this will work, but on the other hand, it is an interesting example of "kitchen science" where you can actually test this experiment for yourself and report back here. [1:07] Recharge Batteries For Free - Free videos are just a click away
tags: talking deer prank, humor, streaming video This streaming video shows what happens when two city boyz strap a stuffed deer to the hood of their car, and leave it in the parking lot of a local truck stop. Oh, did I mention that this stuffed deer can also move and .. talk? Much hilarity follows [4:17]
An animator faces his own animation in deadly combat. The battlefield? The Flash interface itself. A stick figure is created by an animator with the intent to torture. The stick figure drawn by the animator will be using everything he can find -- the brush tool, the eraser tool -- to get back at his tormentor. It's resourcefulness versus power. Who will win? You can find out yourself. [3:10] This animation took three long months. Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker on deviantART
In this streaming video (below the fold), Steve Carell teaches Stephen Colbert how to trick-or-treat. I know this is a little late, but late is better than never, right? [4:39]
tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, clicker training, streaming video As some of you know, I recently added a four-month-old hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, to my household. I plan to learn how to clicker-train this bird (I already have the necessary tools and books). Below the fold is an example of another young Hawk-headed parrot, named Scooter (owned by Jeannie), who was approximately six months old and had only been clicker-trained for two days in this video. This training session focuses on reinforcing the bird's earlier training…
tags: humor, edith ann, Lily Thomlin, streaming video The brilliant Lily Thomlin portrays a five-and-a-half year old girl, Edith Ann, who is describing the sandwich that she made [2:32]
tags: humor, mouse wine, ricey-mice wine, streaming video Do you want to cure your children of ever developing a fondness for rice wine? Here's the perfect solution! [1:08] This is a delicacy in rural Korea, it appears. They take a litter of two to three-day old mice, jam them into a bottle of rice wine, leave them to fermet for a year or so, thereby creating ricey-mice, and then they drink it.
tags: talking parrot, African grey parrot, streaming video This video is a follow-up of the story I linked to earlier from Birds in the News 102 where Gloucester UK residents, Taffy and Jean Howells' African grey parrot, Severiano Ballesteros, is a big rugby fan [1:19] AN avid rugby lover's pet parrot has taken to speaking the lingo of the fans who stand in the legendary 'shed' week after week. Taffy Howells' African grey parrot has picked up the legendary cry of "Glawster, Glawster" which reverberates up and down Gloucester Rugby's famous stand at Kingsholm. And the parrot, named…
tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, streaming video I just added a four-month-old hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, to my household. Since I don't have a camera or video camera at my disposal (yet) I decided to share a video with you of another young Hawk-headed parrot, named Scooter, who was approximately five months old in this video. Scooter had just come to his new home four days prior to this video. [1:51] I am bringing my own Hawk-headed parrot home on the subway from the airport this afternoon. This video appeared at the time when…
tags: football training camp, ballet, streaming video This amusing like video was filmed and edited by a Kansas City Chiefs football fan who clearly has too much time on his hands. It has clips of training sessions set to ballet music .. interestingly, it gives us a glimpse into the amount of fitness work that training camp demands as the players prepare to beat the ever-loving crap out of each other in Monday night football games [1:39]
tags: America's Got Talent, magician, Kevin James, streaming video Master Magician Kevin James performing at the Las Vegas "callbacks" on America's Got Talent. I have no clue how he did that, do you? [1:20] So how did he do that trick? was that guy a couple contortionists, or two dwarves?
tags: hacky sac, futbol, soccer, streaming video Do you ever wonder why your phone call goes unanswered when you call a business during business hours? Well, this video shows you why. [0:48] This guy has amazing skills, especially since he's using a balled up piece of paper, but he clearly has too much time on his hands. Er, cheeks. Or something.
tags: hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, Deroptyus accipitrinus, streaming video As some of you know, I will soon be adding a four-month-old young parrot to my household. For those of you who have not heard of a hawk-headed (red-fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, or who are not familiar with them, here is a video of a five-month-old parrot of that species, named Cassius. In this video, the bird is being preened by its human companion and during that process, raises the feathers of its red fan [1:02]
tags: oceans, marine reserves, fish, streaming video This video explores how the establishment of marine reserves can save our oceans from overexploitation from overfishing and other damages. Narrated by Mariella Frostrup. [12:53]
tags: oceans, shrimp farming, fish, streaming video Gorgeous imagery of the planet's many oceans, interspersed with footage of humans overexpoiting them. Narrated by British actor Anthony May. Brought to you by GreenPeace [15:51]
tags: cartoon, humor, cats, streaming video Below the fold is an amusing streaming video. In this video, the mirror in the bathroom was replaced with a window pane, then a pair of identical twins stood in identical rooms opposite each other and proceed to prank everyone who walks in. Everyone, except the twins, have become vampires. The woman with glasses in the tan coat is especially hilarious [6:13].
tags: microcosmos, sexy boy, snail sex, streaming video This video shows some amazing footage of a variety of invertebrates as they go about their lives, including a snail sex scene. Footage: Microcosmos. "Sexy Boy" by Air sets the mood. (Safe for work) [4:58]
tags: cartoon, humor, cats, streaming video Below the fold is an amusing video that shows you why cats are evil [1:26]
tags: humor, Nobel Prize in Literature, Doris Lessing, streaming video This streaming video shows Doris Lessing's reaction upon learning that she won the Nobel Prize in Literature [0:10] "Oh, Christ!" British writer Doris Lessing won the Nobel Literature Prize for five decades of epic novels that have covered feminism and politics, as well her youth in Africa. Lessing, who will be 88 on October 22, is only the 11th woman to have won the prize since it was first awarded in 1901. The Swedish Academy described her as "that epicist of the female experience who with scepticism, fire and…