streaming videos
tags: twin baby moose, sprinkler, Anchorage Alaska, streaming video
Here's a sweet little video showing twin baby moose playing in a sprinkler in the back yard of a resident of Anchorage, Alaska. Mom also gets in on the fun. June 2008. [3:52]
tags: comedy, humor, Robin Williams, streaming video
Yesterday was Robin Williams' 57th birthday, so I have dug up a video of him performing at the Met, back when he was still funny. There is some not safe for work language in this performance, so be sure to not share this video with your boss. Williams talks about alcohol and marijuana a lot in this video. [7:59]
tags: bird olympics games, conservation, BirdLife, streaming video
The Olympic Games are starting soon in Beijing. People from all over the world will be competing to be the best. However, some of the world's greatest athletes are birds. Birds can travel faster, higher, deeper and further than any human. Celebrating the amazing achievements of birds, next month BirdLife will be running the BirdLife Games. This will be a series of online events designed to see if you can spot a winner. Given a line-up of avian competitors, we'll be challenging you to pick the winner for each BirdLife event. […
tags: underwater art, nature, photography, Andre Seale, streaming video
This video was sent to me by a Brazilian blog pal who "reads my blog every day"! It is a collection of beautiful nature images by award-winning photographer Andre Seale, who happens to be her husband. The soothing music was composed and performed on GarageBand. [3:13]
Be sure to leave some feedback for her to read.
tags: The Jedi Gym, The Quiddich Gym, humor, silliness, streaming video
This is funny -- Darth Vader drops in to the first Jedi Gym to ever be started in the world, and he ruins everything. The survivors, though, refuse to admit defeat: they gather together and start a Quiddich Gym. Harry Potter would be so proud! [6:04]
tags: eggshell carvings, art, Taiwanese artist, streaming video
I think of eggshells as beautiful natural objects, but a Taiwanese artist sees them as raw materials for his artwork -- even though this video is in Chinese, I think it is fascinating nonetheless [3:23]
tags: Just say Yes, humor, telemarketers, streaming video
Since I am a Seattle native, and since Seattle is the home of the grunge rock band, Nirvana, some of my readers are trying to use to get me in a London sort of spirit. In this case, a reader sent me this video of the Nirvana's hit song, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" as played by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain [4:53]
I don't know if I should laugh or scream.
tags: Just say Yes, humor, telemarketers, streaming video
Just a little fun for all those people who are tired of being tortured by telemarketers [1:20]
tags: Underwater Astonishments, marine biology, evolution, streaming video
David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a shape-shifting cuttlefish, a pair of fighting squid, and a mesmerizing gallery of bioluminescent fish that light up the blackest depths of the ocean. He focuses on the work of two scientists: Edith Widder at the Ocean Research & Conservation Association, and Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab. [6:01]
tags: Ovulation, medicine, technology, streaming video
Recently, human ovulation was captured on video for the first time ever. Two researchers, Stephan Gordts and Ivo Brosens of the Leuven Institute for Fertility & Embryology in Belgium, performed transvaginal laparoscopy, which involves making a small cut in the vaginal wall and observing the ovary with an endoscope. "This allows us direct access to and observation of the tubo-ovarian structures without manipulation using forceps," reports Gordts. Below the fold is part of their video. [0:55]
Read more about it.
tags: Tire Pump Concert, humor, musicians, streaming video
This amusing streaming video is an indication of what happens when a couple musicians get together in front of an audience after having forgotten their instruments at home. Hey, it's Friday already so it's okay to laugh! [1:31]
tags: A close look at some small wildlife, insects, macro, streaming video
This amazing streaming video gives you an idea of the power of a super duper macro lens with a Sony HC3. Working distance for this film was about 1.5 inches with a reversed 50mm [5:16]
tags: millimeters matter, insects, macro, streaming video
This amusing streaming video gives you a better appreciation for how big millimeters truly are (just ignore the last five seconds) [1:15]
tags: The Cost of War, documentary, streaming video
In just one tiny little second, America spends enough money to support me for six months in a lifestyle that is beyond what I have now, by killing innocent people in Iraq. Worse, this country spends more money in one minute than I've earned in my entire lifetime, so we can kill innocent Iraqis! DISGUSTING! PATHETIC! [1:30]
More suggestions as to what george bush and his buddies can do with that money they are wasting on slaughtering innocents.
tags: seven forbidden words, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video
When I woke up this morning I heard George Carlin talk about the seven forbidden words -- another examination of language that eventually led to the involvement of the Supreme Court. This video is not safe for your easily offended boss (but don't worry about the kids -- they already talk like this) [10:38]
tags: language as bullshit, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video
When I woke up this morning, I heard George Carlin talk about language on NPR. What's wrong with using simple, direct and honest language? He wonders. "It's getting so bad that any day now I expect to hear a rape victim described as an 'unwilling sperm recipient'!" [6:55]
tags: shit versus stuff, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video
I woke up this morning to hear George Carlin talking about materialism on the radio. You know, stuff. Yes, stuff. "Have you noticed that their stuff is 'shit' and your shit is 'stuff'?" he asks [5:09]
tags: pro-life is anti-woman, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video
George Carlin talks about the so-called pro-life people, who use their hypocritical position to legalize and institutionalize their hatred for women. He asks, Why, when it's us, it's an abortion, but when it's a chicken, it's an omelet? [9:50]
tags: Religion is Bullshit, George Carlin, humor, comedy, streaming video
As usual these days, I was awake until the sun came up. So in the wee hours of the morning, I learned that one of my favorite people, George Carlin, died. I've always loved George Carlin even though I've never had the privilege to see him perform live. I especially enjoyed George's comments about religion, but he is so brilliant that I "especially enjoy" many things that he had to say. I know that he lived a long and wonderful life, with little mental or physical deterioration to rob him of his dignity and integrity,…
tags: Where the Hell is Matt?, documentary, streaming video
Here's a wonderful streaming video that celebrates this beautiful world and the people in it! It celebrates our common humanity, regardless of where we live, or what we look like. My favorite parts were when Matt was dancing among the red crabs on the beach of Christmas Island, I laughed to see him dance in the demilitarized zone in Korea and to see him and a crowd dancing in a downpour in Quebec, I caught my breath .. for just a moment .. when I watched him dance among the sons of headhunters of Poria, Papua New Guinea (where some…