time-lapse video
tags: David Kassan Paints a Live Model on his iPad, technology, computers, iPad, Apple, art, fingerpainting, portrait painting, documentary, time-lapse video, streaming video
This video is a time-lapse rendering of an Apple ipad fingerpainting demo that was streamed live from artist David Kassan's Brooklyn studio on Monday, 21 June 2010. The model sat for 3 hours as Mr Kassan painted and answered questions on how he uses the iPad and the Brushes applications.
Learn more about David Kassan.
tags: Shuttle Launch Preparation Choreographed Like Ballet, Space Shuttle, space exploration, space flight, NASA, Scott Andrews, Stan Jirman, Philip Scott Andrews, photography, time-lapse video, streaming video
This video is simply stunning and the photography is masterful. In this video, we are looking at time-lapse photographs by photographers Scott Andrews, Stan Jirman and Philip Scott Andrews, who decided to demonstrate the process of launching a shuttle in a new and innovative way. Using time-lapse photography, they turned the 6 week process of prepping a shuttle into this gorgeous four…
tags: Luonnontieteellinen museo Helsinki, Helsinki Museum of Natural History, diorama, education, construction, streaming video
This streaming video is a time-lapse documentation of construction of the bear diorama at the Luonnontieteellinen museo Helsinki (Helsinki Natural History Museum) [7:42].
Suomi: Karhudioraamaa rakennetaan Helsingin Luonnontieteelliseen museon Suomen luonto -näyttelyyn keväällä 2008. Seppo Polameri tekee aluksi taustamaalauksen, jonka jälkeen konservaattorit tuovat paikalle täytetyt karhut ja muut eläimet sekä viimeistelevät dioraaman. Rakentaminen kesti…
tags: Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, collections, education, science, streaming video
This streaming video is by the Smithsonian Institute. It shows a time-lapse series detailing the construction of the Sant Ocean Hall at the National Museum of Natural History, aka, the Smithsonian. This is the museum's largest permanent exhibition, and it just opened in September 2008 [3:07].