Happy Birthday, PharmMom, RN!!!

We're on the road today but I wanted to be sure that my Mom gets her birthday mentioned on the blog, so I scheduled this post in advance.

Put simply, my Mom is my inspiration for everything I have become. She started college (to be a teacher, I think) then embarked on a career as a secretary with a Pfizer sales rep. She then took leave to raise me and my sister. During my elementary school years she went back to nursing school, working the 11 pm - 7 am shift in the ER at a local hospital. I have the ultimate admiration for her going back to school, working, and having a family - an example that, years later, always gave me the utmost respect for my students who were doing the same.

Having all of the physiology books lying around when I was a kid got me interested in some aspect of medicine but I never thought I'd end up in lab instead of being a "real" doctor. While my lab career is not the best its been lately, I am indebted to my Mom for her endless and unconditional support over several decades (I won't say how many).

Across the miles I wish you a very happy birthday, Mom.

Enjoy your special day...and I hope it involves tequila!


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Thank you for your good wishes. As I said in the past, both you and your sister were very easy to raise and thankfully I had Grandma and your Dad who helped out during my nursing studies and career. Love to you and your girls. Mom

Happy Birthday!