"No Detectable Sperm"

. . .is not the name of my new punk rock band.

It is, however, the key text of lab results that came back this week in following up on the most highly-read post of my blogging career.

That is all.

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So many medical diagnoses or illnesses ultimately sound like they really ought to be the names of either indie punk or metal bands.

I get a real kick about the next generation headbanging to the extreme sounds of Necrotizing Fasciitis.

ummmm.... Congratulations?

Perhaps your sperm are still there, but they've invented a cloak of invisibility.

By Trin Tragula (not verified) on 11 Oct 2008 #permalink

I went for a vasectomy; but I got into a fist-fight with the doctor. I asked "Before I agree to this, is the operation painful?" He replied "Don't worry, it's only a little prick." I had never been so insulted ,,,

@CPP - we talked about this somewhere in the vasectomy discussions but the answer to your question is "yes." Turns out that spermatozoa comprise only 1-5% of semen, with the rest coming primarily from the seminal vesicles and the prostate with a little from the bulbourethral glands. But if I was worried about volume, I could always procure some products from all those spam e-mail offers I get.

@Trin - bwah!!! in fact, the sperm still are there and undergo apoptosis as they build up in the epididymis because the vas had been ligated. I've read that a majority of vasX patients have anti-sperm antibodies in the serum.

@Joe - I didn't know you had such a great sense of humor!