Wine Authorities wine guys on local NPR today (Obama pre-emption; postponed 'til tomorrow)

Salamanzar and the Grand Poobah Wine Swami (Seth Gross and Craig Heffley) of the nationally-recognized wine merchant and community resource, Wine Authorities, will be appearing today on the local NPR affiliate.

Here is the official word from the boys themselves:

i-a5656e037fd140ef465ed6655a906b2e-Frank Stasio.jpgWow! This coming Monday, the 24th, we're going to be on the air with none other than Mr. Frank Stasio on WUNC/NPR's "The State of Things" radio show. This is possibly the highlight of our professional careers thus far! We love this show. So tune in online or on the radio this coming Monday (November 24th @ 12 noon) of Thanksgiving week on WUNC. What could be next for us, Oprah? Letterman? 60 minutes? Click the photo to hear the show Monday or after.

Rest assured that they'll be making some wise recommendations for keeping the Thanksgiving table free of corporate plonk and proletariat swill.

UPDATE: 24 Nov 2008, 12:10 EST (1710 GMT)
The State of Things is being pre-empted today by President-elect Barack Obama's press conference, in which he is expected to introduce his new economic leadership team. We will carry live coverage of the event beginning at noon.

Neal Conan will host our coverage. He will be joined in the studio by NPR's Senior Washington Editor, Ron Elving, and NPR's Economics Correspondent, John Ydstie.

Today's scheduled program for The State of Things, "Meet the Wine Authorities" will air tomorrow (Tuesday, 25 November).

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