Happy 2009!

I don't know about you folks but I am just spent. I did tons of background reading for a couple of upcoming blog posts but I just couldn't put fingers to keyboard today.

So let me just wish each and every one of you all the best for a happy and healthy New Year.

Professionally, I wish you get the paper / grant / degree / position / sanity / equality / respect that you so richly deserve.

Personally, I simply wish you happiness - whatever that means to you in your situation, no matter where you are in the world.

i-c587d20e3a33ef4c35bf10bdac54b34e-8K.jpgWell, despite the enjoyment of a number of glasses of champagne and other fine wine last evening, I pulled it together for the merciful 1 pm start of the New Year's 8K trail run I spoke of yesterday. While this is not a New Year's resolution, I have been trying to get back in shape for the last month or so with the goal of losing about 17 lbs to get back to my end-of-grad-school weight.

The good news is that I finished and I did not finish last, cranking it out at an average 86% max HR (in my substandard current state of conditioning I run by heart rate, not time.). I have to laugh because even PharmMom called to see how I did having read the last post - thanks, Ma!

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