Tsuken gets his Ash Customworks guitar

The Australian psychiatrist, musician, amateur astronomer, daddy, and blogger Tsuken just sent out word that his custom electric guitar has arrived from New Zealand luthier, Adrian Hamilton, at Ash Custom Works in Auckland.

At his blog, Music, Medicine, and the Mind, our giddy colleague writes:

Oh. Baby. Yeah. I'm here today to tell you: there is nothing - nothing - like a custom guitar. No way will a production instrument compare. To illustrate, I will describe the guitar I have just collected.

This is truly a fantastic instrument; I can hardly keep my hands off it. It plays like a dream, and the tones it produces are fantastic. It looks awesome, and is mine - all mine. Everything about it is how and what I wanted. It's not the product of corporate compromise, or appeal to the lowest common denominator; the good stuff isn't kind of "averaged out". The care and attention to detail is something that of course doesn't happen in a mass-produced instrument, and it really does make a difference.

I won't bother explaining - I can't. In fact, I'd need all of Mission Control in Houston to know how this thing works. The guitar is so advanced, his blogpost is dated tomorrow (heh).

If you are a player, I just recommend that you go to his post and read about the process and see a video of him playing. And, yes, he can play.

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Hey - thanks for the link/shout-out 8) It is a beautiful beautiful guitar - and I am still over the Moon about it :-D

Off topic, but two extensive comments that I made on the horny goatweed posts have disappeared into moderation , prbably becuae there were two URLS in them, could you fish them out at some stage Abel?

@tsuken - hope you are loving the guitar. It's a gem.

@Ian - my apologies. I rely on my e-mail feed for comments to know if there are any in moderation. However as the post title contained the phrase "horny goat weed," it was deemed spam by my e-mail client and I never saw it.

Upon your notification, I found the comments in my unapproved queue and the e-mail comment notifications in spam.

That's what I get for putting a spam trigger in a post title!