Photos of the Loch Ness monster (teaser)

i-82394e402791c30dd74d6faa812deadf-You can knock it you can rock it.jpg

You can knock it
You can rock it
You can go to Timbuktu
But you'll never find a nessie in the zoo
You may see an anaconda, or giraffe and kangaroo
But you'll never see a nessie in a zoo

More soon, really. For now, I'm afraid all you get is this poxy teaser post... plus some of the lyrics to The Family Ness, staple viewing for my 9-year old self.

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Wow. Yes, I remember all the words too. And Angus and Elspeth blowing on their secret thistle whistles (try saying that with braces!).

You realise that most of your readers have absolutely no idea what we're all talking about...

You realise that most of your readers have absolutely no idea what we're all talking about...

Yeah, good isn't it. In other words, we're among a very select few - an elite even.

That is frigging awesome! I have got to have one of those.

By Thylacine (not verified) on 12 Dec 2007 #permalink

Thats in the Oxford Natural History Museum and is a Cryptoclidus. Hooray, do i win something? Incidentally, the OUMNH is awesome and has plenty of stuff for everyone, Iguanodon and Tyrannosaur skeleton as well as Pterosaur stuff. For the Pleistocene enthusiast there is lots of British material there as well.

*is way too excited about an entry concerning Loch Ness-- in that I just can't let go of the hope!*

Here's my chance to resurrect an old posting from 1 August this year:

... we might note that plesiosaurs [unlike crocodilians] never developed tree-climbing, which -- who knows? -- might have saved them from extinction. That said, I don't know that anyone has ever really looked for Nessie in the treetops.

Darren noted the same day: "Godammit, I feel a blog article on Loch Ness coming on...". Foreshadowing -- your sign of quality bloggature.

By Nathan Myers (not verified) on 12 Dec 2007 #permalink

Yeah, good isn't it. In other words, we're among a very select few - an elite even.

You mean "British cartoon geeks in their late twenties to early thirties" then?

?! I thought everybody but the evening news had given up on
Plesiosaurs in the Loch years ago...:>) ( And isn't the
phot in the inset supposed to be Champ? )

nice pic of nessie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!