Sounds like an endorsement

Today's editorial from The Parsons Sun:

The race is on

Voters can tell when there's a real race by the big guns that come out, and we in the 2nd Congressional District have a real race. Challenger Nancy Boyda is taking another run at Congressman Jim Ryun, and the one-time Republican has Ryun searching for help.

The proof is in an invitation to a Ryun fundraiser, and the big gun is Vice President Dick Cheney. The whole point of the effort is to help Ryun rake in the dough so he can outspend Boyda, which should be interpreted as buying his seat in Washington for another two years.

The price to attend? A couple can get in for the modest contribution of $200, but the real money comes when egos determine they want to participate in the "VIP Photo Opportunity" at a whopping $1,000 each. Just think: A real photo, standing next to one of the most controversial vice presidents of the United States, to hang on the wall.

Loyal Republicans who are intrigued with the photo should remember that by buying the photo op they are also contributing to Ryun's campaign chest. While Ryun obviously has his strong supporters, there is a huge base of Republicans who wish he would just go away. Feeding his campaign chest isn't the way to make that happen.

Recent polling by the Boyda camp puts her a hair above Ryun, which is saying a lot in a strong Republican state. Ousting an entrenched congressman, regardless of which party is doing the vying, is extremely difficult.

But Boyda is tenacious in her determination to give everyone in the 2nd District a voice, not just a select few of the same ilk. She is extremely bright and able to debate the issues unlike any challenger Ryun has faced. In fact, when side by side, Boyda shows those who are really listening Ryun's inability to deviate from catch phrases or to move beyond pablum. While Boyda eagerly seeks out questions and discussions, Ryun simply takes questions that he seldom really answers.

Ryun has never really embraced all of his constituents, as demonstrated during redistricting efforts in 2002. This is the man who tried to move seven counties of Southeast Kansas into western Kansas' 1st District - which would then have reached 500 miles diagonally across the state, casting us into obscurity. That should not be forgotten.

This is a real race. Boyda's strength in the polls, and Ryun's need to lure in campaign dollars by dragging the vice president here, are proof of that.

- Ann Charles
Editor and publisher

Congratulations to Boyda. National polling shows rural voters to be key to shifting Congress, and the Parsons Sun reaches a lot of those voters.

Now is the time to pitch in and help Boyda out. Donate or volunteer your time.

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Once again, I'm too stewpud to try commenting without typekey.
Anyway, nice job Ann.
It's about time the people of SEK vote for their own best interests.