In the Bubble

Mike the Mad Biologist points to a DailyKos diary. The diarist is helping make a video for the Topeka Bible Church, asking people what they pray for, when a woman approached them:

He asked her what she prayed for, and she said this:

"I pray, every day, that my husband, Jim Ryun, wins re-election for the United States House of Representatives."

I told her she couldn't say that on a church thing. She seemed generally surprised by this. And then she asked me if I wanted to volunteer for her husband's campaign.

I was a little taken aback at this, I'll admit, so my declining her offer may have been a little more rude and abrupt than usual, because she asked me, "Why not? You''re not a...a Democrat, are you?"

And of course, I told the truth. "Yes, I am," I said.

"And you're saved?" Apparently in Mrs. Ryun's world, you can't be a Democrat and a Christian at the same time.

For what it's worth, Anne Ryun is considered the brains of the Ryun political operation.

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