Kline campaign: "desperate and sleazy"

In new ads, Phill Kline hired an actor to impersonate his opponent. The actor reads some statements that Morrison may or may not have made 15 years ago. Court cases about the incident resolved in a dismissal and a mutual agreement to drop the case. In other words, there's no good evidence that Morrison actually did anything wrong.

This ad is unlikely to hurt Morrison, but it is definitely turning off Kline's supporters. Conservative radio host Steve Forman says:

taking the low road isn't doing Phill any good. And from what I hear from the people I go to church with, he is not winning any points with his base.

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All the worst stories I've seen about Kline happened during his time as AG. And it can't feel good to have two of his predecessors criticizing him publicly. No wonder he's so desperate he can't appreciate how sleazy this spot makes him look.

Whether or not Morrison deserves to win this race, Kline sure as hell deserves to lose it.

"Grady", read the link, the suit was dismissed. It was re-filed, and then the parties agreed to withdraw it.

Illiterate troll.

If Kline's mud is splashing back on him, then by all means, let's encourage him to keep slinging it.

While Morrison was putting away violent criminals for 26 years, Kline was working only on issues that appealed to the RRR. He has skirted, bent and flouted the law during his stint as AG. He's cynical and dishonest. Is this the AG for Kansas? Hardly.