Who's this "we," Ms. Ryun

Catharine Ryun has made an ad for her daddy, in which she explains why we here in Kansas have benefitted from her Papa's reign in DC.

Which is odd, because she's worked in the White House since 2001. Shortly after starting work there, she took a meeting with none other than Jack Abramoff. Like her papa, she's a DC insider, no longer a Kansan.

Bonus Catherine Ryun moment: NPR interviews her in the course of a report on real life "40 Year-old Virgins." I kid you not. I guess no one was interested enough in her to ask Pops if he could take her to a movie.

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By Bokanovsky Process (not verified) on 05 Nov 2006 #permalink

I'm so glad to see critical thinking voters. Talk is cheap, though, especially online. I just hope all of us remember to actually GO VOTE tomorrow.

Since I'm fairly certain that "Diane" is also "Ian" and has gone by other very "male" names here and in other forums, I'm finding this latest comment fascinating.

I'm saying that Diane is either a woman pretending to be a man or a man pretending to be a woman, and either one is dishonest and trollish behavior.

People who disagree with me and do so thoughtfully are not trolls. People whose only purpose is to pick fights are trolls.