Conservative pundit: Thank God for all those crippled veterans

A Topeka call center for veterans is expanding "due to the number of veterans returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan … overloading resources at Veteran's Hospitals across the country."

It is always good to hear of new jobs coming to Topeka. We need all of this we can get.

Personally, I'd give up 90 jobs in Topeka if there were 50,000 fewer soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq. But that's just me.

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I'd also be happy if there were no reason for more call centers for even more wounded vets.

I wonder how many of those 'great new jobs' will go to returning vets...who reportedly suffer from a 30% unemployment rate upon returning. (Wish I could remember the source of that stat.)

You are noticing the irony? All those SUVs with yellow ribbons, but no one supporting returning troops by giving them a job?

Worse, there are tax credits for hiring disabled vets who go through VA vocational rehabilitation. And still few employers who are interested.