Surprise, surprise

Tiller didn't break law in reporting underage abortions:

The Women's Health Care Services clinic in Wichita, operated by George Tiller, followed mandatory reporting laws for underage teenage sex in 15 abortions performed in 2003, Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston said today. The abortions were investigated by the Kansas Attorney General's office late last year.

Foulston said that her office had investigated court records presented by outgoing Attorney General Phill Kline last month to see if Tiller had followed mandatory reporting laws, and even given proper information to other states about residents seeking abortions in Wichita.

Phill Kline spent his time as state Attorney General flinging wild allegations against Tiller's clinic. Kline lost because the public did not want public resources used on a witch-hunt. And as with all such witch-hunts, the only ones who got hurt were young women. In this case, women whose medical records, including sexual history and psychological profiles, were given to a man who has shown no compunction about using them as a weapon.


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Wsit a minute!

IF some 11 or 12 year old is pregnant, that means, unless it was the middle school kid next door, that statutory rape and child abuse have occured.

Why don't liberals, whom I generally support, care about this?

Josh, I believe names were blacked out when the facilities handed the files to Kline. In that case, I don't know what use they would be.

Seems to me his attack was on the clinics, not on the patients. But I may have it wrong.

Lowell, pick one name and stick with it. Doing otherwise is trollish and grounds for banning.

Furthermore, no one has an issue with reporting statutory rape. And what this story shows is that Tiller fulfilled his responsibilities on that front.

And Liz, whether the names were blacked out or not, information from the records about the patients wound up in Bill O'Reilly's hands. Kline could have (and probably did) obtain names in particular cases. I don't know how he could have filed his 30 misdemeanor counts last month without having those names.

Kline's original subpoenas did not place any limits on personal information. Any limits on that information came only through a long legal battle.

IF some 11 or 12 year old is pregnant, that means, unless it was the middle school kid next door, that statutory rape and child abuse have occured.

So? Why are you immediately thinking that it WASN'T the kid next door? Wish fulfillment, hm?

I'm not quite sure what you're implying Mr. gwangung. But, Foulston's investigation reveals that the underage pregnancies were properly reported to the state for follow-up by the necessary law enforcement agencies. Nobody is denying that there are some sick SOBs out there that have abused young girls. However, the EVIDENCE clearly shows that if those girls were abused and they reported to Tiller's clinic requesting an abortion, their cases were properly reported to the state.

I think mike's comments are more properly directed at Lowell, no?