
Local radio host Steve Forman quotes the World Nut Daily:

In the wake of reports of unidentified objects flying over Chicago's O'Hare Airport, a retired Air Force pilot has his own mystery with a rash of bright, colorful lights he photographed hovering in skies over western Arkansas last week.

"I believe these lights were not of this world, and I feel a duty and responsibility to come forward," Col. Brian Fields told WND. "I have no idea what they were."

Fields, 61, was cooking chicken at his Van Buren, Ark., home Jan. 9 when just before 7 p.m., he observed two intensely bright lights as he looked to the southeast close to the horizon.

Confronted yet again with evidence that World Nut Daily is the most credulous and least credible source of anything even resembling truth, I hoped that this report would lead the conservative commentator to denounce the site as the unfunny cousin of The Onion.

Alas, Forman's response is "I don't have a clue what this man saw. But I know some of you will ask me, 'If these turn out to be life from another world, what would it do to your faith in God?'"

Yes, folks, that's where his mind went first. I am increasingly convinced that the entire right wing of American politics is an elaborate hoax. Could people who think that a guy seeing lights in the sky is occasion for deep theological discussions really have taken over the Congress for 12 years and the White House for 8?

I'm going to assume that this is all an elaborate game by Sasha Baron-Cohen, aka Borat, aka Ali G. Nothing else makes sense.

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I was considering doing a parody of that website, but it was too hard to come up with anything more ridiculous. It would have ended up being just a sister-site and not a parody. Also, their site's too damn ugly for me to want to code something that looks the same. Ugh.

The most likely conclusion was the colonel saw a plane on approach to Little Rock after the underwing landing lights were turned on. Unless there is more to the story, it is nothing more than the most ordinary and common day-to-day occurrance. Should I be less critical, I might think there were hundreds of UFO's over Memphis since we are the friggen' hub for FedEx and ninety percent of their flights are at night. The most distressing part is a retired Air Force Colonel who is apparantly incapable of discerning what is and isn't an aiplane. However, the report appears on the WND so it is most likely made up.

By James Taylor (not verified) on 18 Jan 2007 #permalink

Knowing how the religious right thinks, if there was proof that life existed on other planets then how could they know about Jesus? Its important to them because it would destroy their whole belief system. And then where would they be?

By druidbros (not verified) on 20 Jan 2007 #permalink