My apologies

The Discovery Institute almost fooled me with their Michael Egnor impersonation. We know the real Egnor was just testing folks like me out, and that we fell for it. My apologies to the real Dr. Egnor, I almost believed there really were people who didn't think bacteria evolved, that medicine hasn't improved since Galen, or that science has learned nothing since Linnaeus.


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So, they were parodying their own position? They're anti-envolutionists, but they're not those kind of far-out loopy anti-evolutionists? The DI thumbs their noses at the real loopy anti-evolutionists.

Aren't people in the reality based world silly when they fail to distinguish between a true anti-envolutionist position, and an anti-evolutionist parody of an anti-evolutionist position? Can't evolutionists be trusted to distinguish an apple from an orange?

(Honestly, the fruity ideas the DI chooses to work with are solely characterized by their moldy rotteness. It overwhelms any subtlety.)