"Bipartisan" opposition to Bush immigration plan

OpenCongress reports Republican Reps. and Boyda Come Out Against Bush's Path to Citizenship Plan. Ninety-seven representatives signed a letter asking Speaker Pelosi not to bring any bills to the floor allowing people already living in this country a path to citizenship. As OpenCongress explains:

Where they state, in the first line, that the group of supporters is "Democratic and Republican," they are referring to the fact that one Democrat , Nancy Boyda (D-KS), accompanied 96 Republicans in signing the letter.

Immigration was an issue the Congresswoman ran on, and it's good to see her stepping forward on it (though I can't say I see eye-to-eye with her on this issue). I do wish she wouldn't have given these Republicans a bipartisan figleaf when they criticize a President from their own party. What could be seen as a split within the Republican party gets muddled this way. Ah, well, she can't satisfy partisan like me all the time.

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