Gonzalez recalled

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Resigns - washingtonpost.com:

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales announced his resignation today, ending a controversial cabinet tenure that included clashes with Congress over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys and over the use of warrantless wiretaps in the war on terror.

… Gonzales will step down on Sept. 17. In a brief statement, he called his 13 years in public service a "remarkable journey," but he gave no explanation about why he chose to resign now after resisting months of pressure to quit.

However, persistent reports over the last several months have indicated that he was not being permitted to resign until the administration could line up someone willing to replace him, but not willing to discontinue his most controversial defenses of the Administration.

An administration official said that Gonzales had told President Bush of his decision on Friday, but the announcement was withheld until the two met face to face on Sunday at Bush's ranch in Crawford. Bush planned to make a statement shortly before noon from Waco, Tex. Gonzales took no questions from the press as he announced his plans, but he said that even his "worst days" as attorney general were "better than my father's best days" as a migrant worker in Texas.

Or someone tortured in a secret prison thanks to a legal memo penned by Mr. Gonzales. Or even a U.S. attorney fired for refusing to pursue politically motivated cases. Being an Attorney General in an administration willing to make the law up as it went along has undoubtedly been a thrilling adventure, and it's nice to know that someone out there enjoyed it.

Michael Chertoff is considered a likely successor, though his "gut feeling"s might prove as difficult to understand as Gonzales's memory troubles have been.

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tags: Alberto Gonzales, Gonzo, US Attorney General, politics "I will stay as long as I believe I can be effective," said Gonzales. Wrecking the constitution, no doubt. How many congresscritters have to demand his resignation before he finally gives it up as a lost cause? And worse, does Bush adore…
They're dropping like flies now. In another blow to the Bush Administration, The New York Times reports that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will announce his resignation later has announced his resignation (update) today... and it's about damn time. Senator Charles Schumer puts it lightly:…
Kyle Sampson tells the senate that Gonzo lied regarding the dismissals of the eight US prosecutors. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrongly stated he was not involved in discussions about the firings of federal prosecutors, his former chief of staff told the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday…
This is why some in Congress are issuing subpoenas and talking about contempt citations.  This is why... href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/22/AR2007062201291.html">William Mercer href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/27/…

his "worst days" as [criminal-in-chief] were "better than my father's best days" as a migrant worker in Texas.

Since his memory is so bad, I'm surprised he can recall he has a father, or that the common 24 hour period is called a day.

I'm betting Smirky the Chimp doesn't think of 'preventive pardons' for Gonzo. So we have to wait until 2009, January 21st, to arrest Gonzo for his crimes.

By Rusty Knaub (not verified) on 27 Aug 2007 #permalink

So is the congress (senate) actually going to approve Chertoff? I can't imagine why they wouldn't hold out for someone a little more qualified, even if it's for the relatively short time left in the Shrub's administration.

Or will the administration wait until recess and appoint him?

Anyone taking bets?


Hard to imagine the administration letting Chertoff (or anyone else) testify in the Senate. Recess appointment to run out the clock.