Conservatives Call for Gonzo Resignation

Tomorrow, Gonzales will be lying through his teeth to the American public, but today, on the eve before tomorrow's spectacle, a group of conservatives and longtime Bush supporters wrote a letter to the White House, calling for Gonzo's resignation. Will Bush ignore his own supporters' demands to keep this lying power-hungry pustule around?

The two-page letter, written on stationery of the American Freedom Agenda, a recently formed body designed to promote conservative legal principles, is blunt. Addressed to both Bush and Gonzales, it goes well beyond the U.S. attorneys controversy and details other alleged failings by Gonzales. "Mr. Gonzales has presided over an unprecedented crippling of the Constitution's time-honored checks and balances," it declares. "He has brought rule of law into disrepute, and debased honesty as the coin of the realm." Alluding to ongoing scandal, it notes: "He has engendered the suspicion that partisan politics trumps evenhanded law enforcement in the Department of Justice."

Cited story.


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Watch what you read. The headline read: "Conservatives to Bush: Fire Gonzales" Huffington Post made it: "Top Conservatives Demand Bush Fire Gonzales". (,00.html) but are they, and what are they really up to? The fact is, the 'American Freedom Agenda' is a front organization for a front organization for a front organization of George Soros. That makes the headline change to "Domestic Insurgents Call For Gonzales Resignation". These people are not conservatives and for TIME to declare them as such shows where TIME puts its bacon. Signatories to the letter include Bruce Fein, a former senior official in the Reagan Justice Department, who has worked frequently with current Administration and the Republican National Committee to promote Bush's court nominees; David Keene, chairman of the influential American Conservative Union, one of the nation's oldest and largest grassroots conservative groups, Richard Viguerie, a well-known GOP direct mail expert and fundraiser, Bob Barr, the former Republican congressman from Georgia and free speech advocate, as well as John Whitehead, head of the Rutherford Institute, a conservative non-forit active in fighting for what it calls religious freedoms. Richard Viguerie worked on a project to raise money for Sun Myung Moon's Children's Relief Fund, which reportedly only received 6.3% of the $1,508,256 raised. $920,000 went to Viguerie according to New York State charity auditors. David Keene: Since 1998, Keene has lobbied on behalf of Citizens for State Power (CSP), a coalition of interests opposed to federal energy deregulation. Months later, after deregulation efforts failed, the Washington Post reported that a secret coalition of nine state electric utilities funneled $17 million dollars into Citizens for State Power, and its liberal counterpart, the Electric Utility Shareholders Alliance. American Freedom Agenda was launched by the Liberty Coalition, headed by Bruce Feiun: Liberty Coalition Partners include: American Civil Liberties Union , American Families United, American Policy Center, Americans for Tax Reform, Amnesty International,, The Libertarian Party, Mothers Against the Draft, Political Action, People for the American Way. The Liberty Coalition was founded by Michael D. Ostrolenk, J. Bradley Jansen, Steven Lilienthal and James Plummer. It is therefore indirectly backed in part by George Soros and the call for Gonzales' resignation is another shot fired in the second civil war.

By interested party (not verified) on 16 Apr 2007 #permalink