The other white meat

Ken Ham squeals:

It is so sad that millions of dollars are being spent on researching the universe, but the underlying philosophy is often that scientists want to find answers to how life arose, and in this case, “from where diseases come from.” They are “willingly ignorant” that the God of the universe has already given us the answers as to how life arose (Genesis 1:1) and also as to why there are diseases—because of sin.

Ham seems to think that all that money is just pork-barrel spending, and that scientific budgets are larded with needless expenditures. Alas, his concept of science is rooted in a naive caricature of Bacon, and would would keep our society mired in the muck.

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I wonder if Ham goes to the doctor when he is ill.

Ericb - No, he just talks to god, and god forgives him his sins, so then he is all better.

Damn! Don't they teach kids anything these days at the Christian Schools?

And sometimes The Lord sends his Holy People Private Jets, so they don't have to sit next to sinners in coach or even business class, so they don't get sick! It's a Friggin' Miracle(TM)!

Eh? Given that bacteria get attacked by bacteria and viruses, where in Genesis does it say that microbes ever sinned? I checked -- bacteria are never mentioned, nor are viruses. Go ahead, check any biblical concordance for 'bacteriophage'.

Whatever did honeybees do to deserve bee mites and hive fungus?

Perhaps Ken Ham is one of those people we hear about who are functionally illiterate, so when he looks in the bible, he imagines things it could, and couldn't say. To him the printed page may look like random bug splatters. Who knows?

By Ken Shabby (not verified) on 14 Feb 2008 #permalink

"Willingly ignorant"?

Pot, kettle, black.

Oi, what in insufferable yob.

scientific budgets are larded with needless expenditures.

They are not? (Irrespective of the Genesis/God whatever claims)

scientific budgets are larded with needless expenditures.

They are ...?

I presume he considers any money, vestal virgins, slaves, and so on which are not going directly to him to be wasted or misappropriated. He probably also considers any meteorite and lightening strikes which do go in his direction to be wasted.

......or you could just say thanks for receiving hard earned tax dollars to continue your research--without mouthing off.