Good idea

i-e4f3b292a991e6ea381df264dabdaa17-presidentialmemorial.jpgI hope this happens. Truly, the people of San Francisco deserve a way to remember George W. Bush's presidency, and as ideas go, this is top-notch:

The Presidential Memorial Commission is proposing an ordinance initiative for the November 2008 San Francisco ballot, to rename the Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility the George W Bush Sewage Plant. We believe this is a appropriate and enduring legacy, for no other president in modern American history has accomplished so much in such a short time.

Sign up to help get this important initiative on the ballot in November.

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But you want the sewage plant to work.

How about renaming the contents of the input pipe? "Henceforth, 'sewage' shall be known as 'G.W.Bush'." As in the "Oceanside G.W.Bush Treatment Facility".

This reminds me of Tom Lehrer's old quip: "Life is like a sewer - what you get out of it depends on what you put into it..."

The problem with that proposal is that the sewage treatment plant will actually accomplish something good and useful as intended.

Better to commemorate this Presidency with something more appropriate in terms of functionality. For example, in many towns and cities one can find badly planned & executed sidewalks that seem to connect nothing or end abruptly in places that actually increase the hazards to anyone who walks on them. So, I'd propose we find a particularly egregious construct somewhere and name it the "G.W.B. Sidewalk to Nowhere". That is a more fitting reminder of his legacy. Admittedly, it may be tougher than normal to find an example in the S.F. area (they're more mindful of enforcing laws accommodating the physically handicapped than most of the rest of the country), but I'm sure one could be found.

By Unsympathetic reader (not verified) on 12 Apr 2008 #permalink