Tell the Governator to support marriage equality

Call Arnold To Tell Him You Totally Support Gay Marriage, Or Else:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is receiving large numbers of phone calls from the supporters of "Limits on Marriage" (The constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage in California ) about his comment to a group of Log Cabin Republicans that he wouldn't support a constitutional amendment.

We don't want him to go back on his word. He must hear from us too. The aide I spoke to yesterday was so glad I called as most of his calls were from the "other side." Now it is automated and you will not talk to anyone, just push the number for pro Supreme Court decision.

To vote in support of the Supreme Court ' s decision on LGBT marriage:

1. call 1-916-445-2841
2. press 1, 5, 1, 1

You can also call, email or write him and thank him for his declining to support this initiative. (They don't ask what state you are from, by the way.) To email go to, hit email tab and select Supreme Court decision on Same Sex Marriage. On the next screen you must click PRO. It's a little confusing since we're talking about the initiative for which we are con. Then just a couple of words of thanks are all you need. No long letter which no one will read anyway.

State Capitol Building
Sacramento , CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

Go forth and do thou likewise.

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Someone should forward this to PZ. This is a poll really worth crashing.
