Middle-school spelling champs: Bush is "embarrassing"

The National Examiner talked politics with the National Spelling Bee participants:

Texas’ own Raymond Soriano, 14, remembered that “Bush misspelled ‘business’ one time. That’s embarrassing.” Eleven-year-old Vincent Medina from Florida told us, “Anyone can out-spell Bush.” Jonathan Schut, a 13-year-old from Canada, thinks he can out-spell Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice too. Those are some big words for middle schoolers.

Many participants also shared their thoughts about the upcoming presidential elections.

Hannah Gerdes, a 14-year-old Ohioan, said, “I don’t think Hillary Clinton has a chance in the election. I like Obama.” Hannah says Barack Obama must be a good speller, especially because his name is a little tricky to spell. In fact, there was overwhelming support among the spellers for Obama. “He is upbeat. He is the one,” shared Gaurav Sirdeshpande, a 14-year-old Pennsylvanian.

Smart kids.

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These kids are just another example of the elitist Bush-bashers that are driving America to ruin, and more proof that the libruls are after the childrun!

The political positions of NSB competitors are as varied as those of the American populace. There are many spellers who may support liberal candidates, but there are just as many spellers adhering to alternative platforms (in my case, libertarianism).