"I think these people are still fighting Watergate"

That's what John Dean just said, quoting Rep. Jane Harman, about Dick Cheney and the rest of the Republican party. Meanwhile, I note that John McCain still seems to think he's fighting Vietnam The Hundred Years War.

Let me say that Netroots Nation rocks. I ran into Nate Thames, a friend and fellow Kansas blogger who now works at ActBlue, raising funds for progressive candidates. At the airport, I ran into Ed Brayton, who was being picked up by Dailykos's DarkSyde. Later I got to hang out with Seed Media's Ginny Hughes, and met author Mark Bowen.

John Dean just finished slapping around the Republican Party, and now Cass Sunstein is reporting the horror that is our current Supreme Court. Justice Scalia has voted to overrule 48% of government agency decisions; Thomas votes to uphold policies from conservative administrations 48 times more often than he does policies from liberals.

Now Michael Waldmann of the Brennan Center is mangling an explanation of punctuated equilibrium, making a generally valid point that evolutionary rates rise after catastrophes like meteorite strikes. In terms of constitutional law, Waldmann points out, George W. Bush has been a meteorite.

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...George W. Bush has been a meteorite.

The proper metaphor would be an asteroid (but with two S's).

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink