Unseat Phill Kline

After Phill Kline (the extra "L" is for "Loser") lost his re-election bid as Kansas Attorney General, the Johnson County Republican Party installed him as district attorney. The move outraged voters, and Kline promised not to run for a full term. Turns out, Kline was just kidding. He is running for re-election, despite the drubbing he took statewide, and especially in Johnson County, just two years ago.

Rick Guinn is a veteran of that department, having served the JoCo DA's office for 26 years, before joining the state AG's office as the head of the criminal division a year ago. Knowing that Phill Kline fights dirty, Rick Guinn needs a warchest for the pending battle. His request is simple: in the two days remaining before the campaign finance reports are due, he wants to raise another $20,000.

Help Rick end the scourge that is Phill Kline's time in office. Donate to Guinn's campaign.

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I don't think Kline will have much of a chance. He alienated many who would have supported him by waiting until the eleventh hour to change his mind and run. By then, most had thrown their support to Steve Howe (a sane choice).

Johnson Countians booted Kline out once. They can do it again. Everyone's had it up to here with his prosecution/persecution of Planned Parenthood, his nearly blowing the Edwin Hall murder case due to incorrectly signed paperwork, frequent absences from duty to go out of state and make anti-abortion talks, etc., etc.

Let's hope a lot of Republicans vote for Steve Howe in the primary (advance voting going on now!), so Kline gets knocked out before he gets anywhere near the general election in November.

Phill Kline? As in, "Let's have political rallies and fundraisers in church"?

No comment, except that what I'm thinking right now regarding that fool is already cracking my monitor screen and melting down my keyboard.

'Nuff said.

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink