Is it just me?

Or were Law and Order's Mariska Hargitay and Miss Alaska runner-up Sarah Palin separated at birth?


I'm not complaining, but being a celebrity look-alike is not exactly a major qualification to be one heartbeat from the Presidency. Especially when the heart in question belongs to the aging John McCain.

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One of the other blogs pointed out that Palin does have vice-presidential-type experience--as Miss Alaska runnerup, she was only a heartbeat away from having to step in and fulfill the duties of the winner.

No one expected Tim Russert's death, and he wasn't "aging". Age had nothing to do with it, so it's not an argument in my book. The whole "hearbeat away" comment is a bit redundant. I'd rather see Palin be a #2 than to have the inexperience of Obama as a #1 any day.